Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Blog Overhaul To-Do List

You spoke and I listened. I've been taking into consideration everyone's recent comments on all the different ways to improve my blog and have composed a list of things that need done in order to make those improvements. Of course all of this can't be done overnight, but I'll be working on it in the weeks to come. So if you notice some construction going on, please excuse the mess while I get things into their proper working order.

Upcoming New and Improved Features

  • Fix any broken links or images that display an error

  • Decrease site load time with code compression

  • Add a signature file to all posts

  • Add a "ReTweet This" button to all posts DONE!

  • Design a symmetric layout - sidebar on the left, sidebar on the right, posts in the middle

  • Generally clean-up and declutter the blog's overall appearance

  • Reorganize and recategorized the Archive with the appropriate Labels

  • Consolidate the Labels list, display in a compact hierarchy that is more user-friendly

  • RSS Subscription Feed link in post footer

  • Create an automatic list of links to "related posts of interest" in post footer

  • Move "Support" section to page footer, list horizontally

  • Install a better Language Translation tool

  • Highlight blog author’s comments

  • Make an effort to write shorter, more concise posts without rambling

  • Consider developing a new "About" section

  • Update "Featured Posts" section DONE!

  • Refresh "Noteworthy Blogs" section, remove abandon blogs, add new blogs of interest

  • Create a custom Twitter badge with TwitterStamp Beta 3.0 DONE!

  • Code a Blogger Stats gadget that displays blog’s total subscriber count, visitor count, post count, comment count and blogging since time frame (years/months/days)

  • Introduce the world to my blog mascot (I think you know who that is) and to my first ever guest blogger (that will be a surprise to all)

  • Continue to complain to Blogger Technical Support until they fix the Followers/IE bug that keeps crashing my blog and so many others DONE!

I just want to thank everyone once again for all your feedback. Hopefully these 20+ changes I'm looking to make will be changes for the better.

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