Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Eye On The Prize

I can’t give it away just yet - the BIG news! I want build up the anticipation, make you beg for it like a dirty pornstar down on her knees. Afterall, I had to wait for nearly a decade for this moment! So it's only fair I make you wait at least until August...which is when I plan on revealing the mystery, which is also when the full story will reveal itself to me. August 2009 is when it all unfolds and the story will be told. Until then, I have just as many, if not more, questions than you do. There is lots of uncertainty and plenty of doubt. But there is also hope. Always hold onto hope. And I am hopeful. Very, very hopeful. Perhaps foolishly hopeful, but nevertheless, hopeful.

I'm going to follow a "Don't Ask/Don't Tell" policy here, but I suppose alluding to the secret a little never hurt anyone. So I'm going to give you a hint, just one hint. You may never see me the same after this. You may view me as low and disgusting, or maybe you already see me as that? If so, then nothing will change. But if you see me in a heavenly glow, then brace yourself. I may very well shatter that beautiful image.

Sorry to be a tease, but there is fun in the unknown and yet to be discovered. And if you thought my Prop 8 post was controversial, you ain't seen nothing yet!

For now, I have my eye on the prize and I won't lose focus or determination. Stay tuned.

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