Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My Blog Report Card

Here's something most people don’t willing ask for, to be critiqued. I’m not talking about tearing someone apart in a hurtful way, but constructive criticism. Helping someone by pointing things out that bother you, giving tips on how one can improve, sharing your opinion, throwing out advice, etc. I don’t just want your feedback, I need it! So today is my virtual judgement day.

As you know, I’m a fan of brutal honesty. It’s how I write. And now, it’s your turn to give it back to me. I’ve checked my sensitivity at the door and grew thicker skin for the sake of this post and the feedback I’m about to receive. No area is off limits. I want to hear what you honestly think of my blog - including the design, writing and everything in between. The more specific you are, the better. For example, if you think I have too much crap on my sidebars, let me hear it. If you think my blog is hard to navigate, say so. Because if people only tell me how awesome I am and how they want to have my baby, although it’s nice to hear, it’s not exactly helpful in terms of helping me grow. I want to improve and in order to do that, I need your input. I need your brutally honest critiquing. Think of this as my blog report card.

I can't promise I'll take everyone's advice, but I will listen to it. And I thank you in advance for taking the time to review me without fluff and sugar-coated words.

So lay it on me. I can take it...or at least I'll try my best to keep my wounded ego at bay. And don't forget, the more specific, the better.

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