Thursday, April 23, 2009

Obama’s First 100 Days In Office Checklist

News sources everywhere are a buzz about President Obama’s first 100 days in office - what he’s done, what he’s failed to do. He’s under much scrutiny and rightly so. During his Presidential campaign he made himself the poster boy for change. So it’s only natural that people expect to see that promised change from the head of the White House. The American people want/need that change and want/need it fast! However, let’s be realistic here. He has a lot on his plate! I don’t think any other U.S. President has ever had so many issues left by his predecessor on Inauguration Day. Those lingering issues are now the challenges set before Obama, issues he must not only deal with, but solve. This change will be a constant work in progress, over the course of his 4 year term. Change can’t happen overnight. But how much change can he deliver, or rather lead us to, in the first 100 days in office? That is the burning question!

Why anyone would want to be President is beyond me. The pressure is ridiculous! Although, he did sign on for it. So why some people continue to pressure him to make miracle changes in just the first few weeks in office, I honestly think it's going to take a lot longer. Still, there is a checklist floating around the Internet of goals people would like to see from their President before he reaches his 100th day in office, which is rapidly approaching on April 29, 2009.

I do like the idea of 100 days of promises to live up to. Will he fulfill them all? Well, time will tell. I don't think he will get it done in 100 days, especially considering he only has 6 days left until the 100th day deadline, but it's something to shoot for. And I for one am willing to embrace ANY change he can bring us! Or rather any change he can help lead us into.

One website, states, "We don’t expect the impossible from President Barack Obama." But then they go on to include huge goals likes these on their First 100 Days In Office checklist...

Day 1: Global Economy Fixed.
Day 20: Global Warming Reversed.
Day 83: World Peace Established.
Day 94: Meteor Defense Shield Created.

These sound more like the goals that a dingbat Miss America pageant contestant would naively promise to bring if she were crowed. This checklist can’t be serious, unless we elected God himself as President! So while I respect those who set goals for themselves and do everything in their power to achieve those goals in a timely fashion, setting goals for someone else and saying "here, do it, and fast" just doesn’t seem logical nor reasonable to me.

So forget finding world peace, solving the economic meltdown and reversing global warming. Those issues aren't THAT important, are they? Instead of being so critical right now, let’s just be thankful that he finally took care of that "Puppy Promise" of his - First Dog, Bo is hard at work watering and fertilizing the White House lawn as we speak. Hmm, now what goal # was that on the list? Let’s scratch it off.

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