Friday, April 3, 2009

Love You Man, In A Totally Straight Way

Not only did I defend my championship belt like Rocky Balboa, but I moved up a rank (from 9th to 8th place) in the latest "Top 10 Gen Y Blogs" list from But this isn't a post for me to gloat, although I'm highly tempted to. No, this is a post to say thank you. Thanks to those that voted for me and a big thanks to Ryan for the warm, fuzzy words he said about me. If you were a girl, I would be swooning right now. But since you are not, I won't. Although is it wrong for me to say "love you man" in a totally straight way?

From April 2009 "Top 10 Gen Y Blogs"
8.) The Rest is Still Unwritten (9) - Tech News and Random Ramblings from a 20-something year old bachelor.

David debuted on the February edition of this list in the 9th spot and moves up a spot this month. The thing about David’s blog is it always feels so fresh to me. Fresh content, fresh ideas, fresh insights. He really mixes it up with short posts that just make me laugh and longer more insightful posts. He has a very distinct voice, and he doesn’t let himself get boxed into one niche, writing about all things that interest him (and his readers as evidenced by the fact that he’s got on of the most commented blogs on this list.)


From February 2009 "Top 10 Gen Y Blogs"
9.) The Rest is Still Unwritten - Tech News and Random Ramblings from a 20-something year old bachelor.

And yet that description doesn’t even begin to encapsulate what David’s blog is about, which for me, his words (always completely transparent) embody his raw journey through life. I’ve recently become acquainted with David’s work as we have seemed to travel in different circles, and I’m glad I have. He discusses stuff other people are scared to put on paper, and makes ambiguity enthralling. This post is one of my favorites that resonates in so many ways.

Oh Ryan, you make a boy's heart melt. I'm kidding. Seriously though, keep up the good work over there. And congrats to everyone who made the "Top 10 Gen Y Blogs" list!

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