Thursday, April 16, 2009

Six Word Memoirs

When challenged to do so, Ernest Hemingway wrote a story in six words.

His story: "For sale: baby shoes, never worn."

Six powerful words that tell a much deeper story than a simple number count would imply. You may recall back in October of 2008 I wrote a post called "Say It In Six Words". In that post I asked readers of my blog to share a secret of theirs in just six words. I have to admit, the outpouring of secrets/comments the post received were amazing! And to this day, it’s one of my favorite posts - not because of what I wrote, but because of what all of you wrote.

I’m not one to write for the sole purpose of getting feedback, but in this case, the post can only be as good as the feedback it receives. So in a sense, you write the post! So lay it on me. Tell your story in six words. No more. No less. Just six. And if you wish to post Anonymous, that's fine.

To be fair, I'll start it off with six, six word memoirs of my own...

"Still blame myself for your suicide."
"My laughter is an amazing disguise."
"You showed me that I mattered."
"Want me as boyfriend or boy-friend?"
"2009 gave birth to David 2.0"
"I write like no-one is reading."

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