Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Write Your Own Caption

I’m speechless. Actually I’m not, but this is just too easy to make fun of! The possibilities are endless! I mean what more do you need? I’m sorry for being rude, but comeon now. You're almost asking for it. Seriously? Dude.

I mean, dudes.

Not to state the obvious, but not only are they wearing matching pink sweat suits, but they are tucking the sweatshirt INTO the sweatpants! Who does that? Actually who even wears sweats in public these days? Don’t even get me started on the "costume" portion of this getup. And that poor dog. Someone call the ASPCA or Child Services or something! Ok, I need to stop because I could go off on this all day. So instead, it’s your turn to write your own caption to this photo. Clever, humorous, rude - it’s all fair game here.

I only ask that you don’t poke fun at their sexuality because it’s obvious these two men are straight as an arrow.

(I should mention, they were dressed like this for a Halloween Pet Parade in NYC over the weekend. Still, that's no excuse to look like this.)

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