Thursday, October 9, 2008

Say It In Six Words

About 2 months ago, PostSecret asked readers of their blog to submit their six-word secret for an upcoming memoir book. At the time, I never submitted mine because I wasn’t feeling very creative. Today, I’m still not feeling all that creative, but I thought it might be more interesting to read some of your 6-word secrets rather than my own. Of course to be fair, I’ve composed 6 six-word secrets of my own to start it off. You don’t have to come up with 6, but if you can think of just 1 six-word secret, leave it in the comments section.

I still think about you, everyday.
I’m ready to be happy again.
My weakness, girls in stiletto boots.
Sorry Dad, I’m voting for Obama.
I want to be a writer.
Just six words can’t define me.

This is my last six-word sentence.

(By the way, you get extra credit points if you reply to a comment in six words. Ahh, yes. This is getting tricky now!)

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