Saturday, October 18, 2008

Selfish vs Selfless

There are few things in life that judge one’s character more than the ability or the inability to care for another. To be able to put someone else before yourself is truly an act of love and an act that shows great maturity. For many, this act is easy. It’s effortless. In fact, it comes naturally. Although for others, it’s a challenge. And for a select few, unselfish is a foreign word to them. Last week’s post "Say It In Six Words" received more responses than I expected. I was truly blown away by some of your 6-word secrets. They were really good! So this week I thought I would do something similar.

I want you to leave One Selfish Wish and One Selfless Wish. The Selfish vs Selfless wishes can be about anything. All I ask is that the wishes are true, how you honestly feel. You may remain anonymous or tie your name to it. Feel free to be as vague or as direct as you feel comfortable. The rest is up to you!

As always, I’ll start it off with mine...

Selfless: I want "a certain someone" to be happy at all costs.
Selfish: I want to be the one that makes "a certain someone" happy.

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