Friday, October 24, 2008

I’ve Been Nominated For "Best Geek Blog"

Here’s a shameless plug. There’s no way to do this tactful, so let me just jump right into self-promotion. My friend Jen felt I should be honored for the random ramblings (AKA writing) I do here on my blog. So she signed up on and nominated yours truly for a virtual award – "Best Geek Blog" for 2009. I’ve accepted the nomination and decided to run with it. I started campaigning yesterday and in matter of a few hours, I rose from 5th place to 1st! However, to hold strong at the top I’ll need a lot more votes in the coming 365 days! Last year’s Blogger’s Choice Awards were announced earlier this week and the winner of the 2008 "Best Geek Blog" category was with 236 votes. So you see, the votes will need to keep coming in throughout the upcoming year if I am to take home 1st place in 2009. I should also note, that if you cast your vote and keep pushing me to the top, I will return the favor by voting for your blog as well! It’s sort of a win-win situation for all of us.

I’m only running for "Best Geek Blog", even though technically my blog covers a whole slew of topics and interests. However, I narrowed it down to just the geeky stuff because...well because I’m a tech geek. Besides, there’s no need to be an award whore. This is the Internet afterall and not the Oscars. I believe in spreading a lil love around. One award per person is sufficient if you ask me. So basically, I guess I’m asking for your help in awarding me 15 minutes of short lived virtual fame and then I’ll shut up about this. Fair enough?

I hope you don’t NEED a reason to vote for me, but if you do, here are a few reasons why you should nominate my blog for "Best Geek Blog"...

  • Because you heart me.
  • Because you heart my blog.
  • Because you heart me AND my blog.
  • Because you don’t want to make my Mom cry, do you?
  • Because I have The World’s Most Awesome English Bulldog ever! Seriously, have you seen him? He’s ridiculously C-U-T-E! (photo gallery)
  • Because you have nothing better to do right now than vote for me and if you don’t vote for me, I’ll personally come to your place of residence and slit your throat. And yes, I believe in scare tactics to get my way, Tony Soprano-style.

Ok, that last one may have been a bit harsh. And honestly, I don’t want to threaten you with violence. So just go vote so we don’t have to venture down that dark seedy path. Thanks!

To visit my nomination page and to cast your vote, just click on the badge below. It's the same badge you'll see on my blog's sidebar, bottom right hand side.

My site was nominated for Best Geek Blog!

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