Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Girls Whispering About Me?

Ever wish you could be a fly on the wall and hear what people are saying? Of course some things are best not to know. However, when the chit-chat is complimentary, wouldn't you like to hear it? Usually I’m the last to know if a girl likes me or even thinks I’m cute. I’m kind of clueless in that regard. But thanks to the Internet, I’ve just been filled in on this little bit of info...

St. Louis Wedding Vendor Directory - Forum

Subject: Great blog!
I found this guys blog a few weeks ago and love reading...I thought some of you may like his latest post about the state of our economy.

Girl 1: "I really enjoy his writing and he's a super nice guy (I emailed him for computer help and he went above and beyond to help me out!)"
Girl 2: "He's hot! At least he looks hot in his profile picture. Sorry, I'm shallow."
Girl 3: "If you're shallow, then so am I. It was my first thought too."
Girl 1: "Ummm - that's why I added him as a friend...I had never even looked at his blog."

Every weekend I get a "stats report" on my blog e-mailed to me from from the previous week. In it, I’m given referral links on how people find my site on the net, like a Google search keyword, etc. So that is how I overheard the whispering, otherwise I would have remained clueless. I guess these brides-to-be like me? I know they aren't calling off their wedding over me or anything dramatic like that! But still, it's nice to be virtually loved. Well, they just find me cute or "hot", which is good enough for me. I have to say I’m flattered and I hope I didn’t just embarrass any of them by posting this. I often wonder what girls talk about and in this case, now I know.

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