Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Palin Interview That Will Make You Cringe

Remember on your 21st birthday when you woke up the next morning, or rather afternoon, in a haze? You were hungover beyond belief, or if you were like me, you were still drunk until 2:00 in the afternoon the next day! Remember that fog your mind was in? Remember how you rubbed your eyes, scratched your head and asked "Where am I? What happened?" Remember how your stomach turned on you and you walked around with that "huh" look on your face? Well that is exactly how I felt last night after watching the CBS Evening News. Katie Couric posed questions about Roe vs. Wade to both vice presidential candidates, as well as a follow-up about any Supreme Court decisions they disagreed with. Democratic Joe Biden why he thought Roe vs. Wade was a good decision, Republican Sarah Palin why it was a bad one. Sounds simple enough, right? I would think Palin would have nailed this question and knocked it out of the park. I mean afterall, who better to speak on abortion issues than a woman? Plus, she has a pregnant teenage daughter at home, so she should be familiar with every issue surrounding Roe vs. Wade. Right? WRONG! May I present to you the most excruciating interview I have since Miss Teen South Carolina tried to answer why a fifth of Americans cannot locate the U.S. on a world map. Post/video found here...
8/28/07 – You’re Hotter When You Don’t Talk

WTF? I feel stupider for having listened to Sarah Palin speak in this interview. Is it just me or does she leave you feeling dazed and confused too? (And not in a good way.) Seriously, did anyone manage to comprehend a single thing she said? I couldn’t make sense out of any of it and I don’t think she even partially answered the question asked. Even Katie Couric looked baffled! This reminds me of a drunk chick in a bar who rambles on giving you her life story and acts all nervous and tongue tied like she is interviewing for a date. When in reality, I just wanted to know if she was done with that table so my friends and I can sit down. However, I'm fairly certain Palin wasn't drunk. Nervous maybe, but not drunk. So unfortunately, she can’t blame her incoherent statements on alcohol.

The thing that gets me is I don’t know how Bush and Palin can be such poor speakers off the cuff. You do public speaking for a living! You should be comfortable with it by now. And if you truly aren’t dumb, you sure sound dumb when you open your mouth. Not everything can be scripted, but for these two, perhaps it should be. I can understand if you get nervous during a speech, but a couple years of college kills the jitters because everyone has to do it until it becomes second nature. And interviews, every time you meet someone new you are basically being interviewed by them.

Notice the long pause she makes midway thru with the heavy sigh? In her head I’m sure she was saying..."Fuck! I’m not ready for this. I don’t know how to answer this. Let me try rambling on about nonsense, throw in a couple big words, overuse generic statements and smile. Just smile. They’ll like me then and want to vote for me!" Palin is one of those people that the longer they talk, the deeper of a hole they dig for themselves. I’ve interviewed people similar to this for a job before. They have that same wide-eyed, "deer caught in the headlights" stare. They hemmed. They hawed. They tried bullshitting me into believing they were qualified for the position and they actually knew what they were talking about. However, I saw right thru it and cut the interview rather short to save their pain and my own.

Unlike Miss Teen South Carolina, Sarah Palin can’t even play the cute/dumb card because she’s not hot. And those that think she’s a MILF, or a soon-to-be GILF, you need your eyes checked! The only time a dumb girl gets a free pass based on her good looks is if she is competing in a beauty pageant, going for an internship or interviewing to be a bartender. If you are applying for a position in the White House, then I’m sorry, but you need to step up your game – big time!

Tonight is the first and only vice presidential debate between Biden and Palin. I’m trying to keep an open mind here and give her a chance to redeem herself. Show me that you aren’t that dumb! Because if you are, I shudder to think if you are elected. Let’s face it, McCain is a crusty old man and can very well kick the bucket while in office, God forbid. But let’s just say he does. Then you are looking at Palin as president! Horrifying. And people think George Bush is a joke? You ain’t seen nothing yet!

(I swear I don’t want to turn this into a political blog full of hot button issues because that’s just not my style. It’s something I typically don’t enjoy writing about, but just like yesterday’s post, I have to make an exception here because I would have simply bursted at the seams if I didn’t speak my mind on this! Tomorrow, I promise to return to my regular blogging topics.)

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