Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Right To Bare Boobies

National Go Topless Day was held the other weekend in NYC. (And yes, that is a real holiday, I’m not making it up.) Protesters were out in full force in and around Central Park to fight for their rights to be topless in public. Ok, now this is where it gets fuzzy for me...

In 1992, the NY State Appeals Court ruled that women have the right to go topless in New York, just like men. So unlike most cities, in NYC it is legal to bare your boobies and I’m not just talking about "moobs" (male boobs) either. So, if IT IS LEGAL for a woman to be topless in NYC, why are half-naked women holding protest signs and marching about it? Umm, the law has already been passed, 16 years ago! I don’t understand what you are protesting? You already got your way. Is there anyone else who thinks this just doesn’t make sense besides me? The word protest means to make a solemn or earnest declaration that you are against something. People hold protests to show that they object and disapprove. You protest in hopes of making a change, to change the mind of those in power to pass a law. Apparently these women don’t get that.

Warning! Photo Gallery NSFW
National Go Topless Day Flickr Set

Just like blondes are always trying to fight off the stereotype that they are dumb, so are big breasted women. However, if women with big boobs really want to be taken seriously and thought of as intelligent, you may want to start by protesting something you DON’T agree with. If you protest something you do agree with and has already been passed in your favor, then you are just making yourself look 10x dumber. However, you’ll probably still look kind of hot doing it – dumb or not. Just ask that tourist sporting the camcorder in the background of this photo. What a perv.

As I read a little further into this story, it appears as if the ladies were merely marching in support of the women who get fined and arrested around the nation. However, I really think their protest would have been better suited in another city. You know, a city that doesn’t already have the "it’s ok to go topless" law passed.

"Free Your Breasts, Free Your Mind." That is one of the protest signs that was held up. Now if I remember correctly, En Vogue used to have a song with the lyrics "free your mind and the rest will follow". So do you think that there’s possibility that NYC women will soon be able to legally bare it all on the streets? Oh boy! On second thought, I’m sure if such a magical law would pass that it wouldn’t discriminate against the fugly. It would allow old, overweight and far from hot women to run naked. Ew, not good. And before anyone sends me hate mail saying I’m a rude, sexiest pig...let me reply to it now by saying, yeah and your point is?

I understand the debate of "as long as men can be topless, constitutionally women should have the same right, or men should also be forced to wear something hiding their chest" – I get that and it brings up a good point. However, let’s be completely honest here. The majority of the population (male and female) doesn’t look good topless, period. There are tons of dudes out there with their beer guts hanging and their moobs bouncing. They are pasty white and covered in a 2 inch thick layer of back hair. So fuzzy that going shirtless is sometimes mistaken for wearing a hair vest. It’s just gross. A similar argument could be made for women. You don’t have to be a wiz kid to figure out that 99.9% of the women marching in topless protests are women you NEVER want to see topless! They are old, tree hugging, granola girls. Ex-hippies who haven’t wore a bra since they burned their Olga back in the 60s and now we are all being punished 40+ years later by seeing their saggy titties down past their hips. Please, for the love of God, put a shirt on! I beg of you!

It may be your legal right to go topless, but it’s a visual crime committed against society’s eyes to display your old and saggy titties. My retinas are now bleeding after viewing that Flickr photo gallery. The damage I’ve now done to myself may be unrepairable. Why did I even look? I'm more into a good ass than a good rack anyway.

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