Monday, September 8, 2008

New Blogger Widget Lets You Share A Little Love

There’s a new Blogger Widget available called "Followers". Basically it lets you follow (keep up to date) with my blog and gets your smiling face on my page! What could be better than that, right? I will be adding all the blogs I link to. And if you love me, and I know you do, then you can add my blog. It will be like a nerdy fan club of bloggers. I'll be your fan and you be my fan. The only thing missing will be the Members Only jackets. After I get enough "followers", I’ll add the Followers Widget to my sidebar. Exciting huh?

(UPDATE: I've already added the Followers Widget. You can find it on the orange sidebar to your right, at the bottom. I'm still trying to figure out how to customize it a little so it looks all snazzy.)

It’s just another way to help build a community, in addition to the traditional blog rolls/lists. Plus it looks kinda cool? It's similar to the MyBlogLog idea, except Followers is integrated into your Blogger Dashboard. Keep in mind that you don't have to link to someone's blog or have them link to you in order to use the Followers Widget. The Followers Widget is a completely separate thing from a Blog Roll/List. And you can "follow" someone else’s blog and they don't have to "follow" yours, or vice versa.

Need more info on exactly what the Followers Widget is and how you can add it to your blog too? Check out the following link for a complete introduction and how-to guide.

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