Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Designer Shoes In Glass Cases? Carrie Bradshaw Would Be Proud!

As you may or may not be aware, it’s Fashion Week in NYC, Bryant Park to be exact. If you don’t know what Fashion Week is, then I can’t even speak to you! (Read that in my huffy, gay sounding voice.) Seriously though, it’s sort of the "be all end all" of clothes, shoes, accessories and all that other junk my sister is so obsessed with. It’s the world’s premier fashion event and if you aren’t there, you’re a loser! Ok, that’s a bit harsh. You’re just not as cool and as stylish as some? Anyway, the point of this post is to share this photo I stole from a friend who attended a show today. This would make Carrie Bradshaw sooo proud! I can see her weeping now, tears of joy that is. Granted, some designer shoes cost more than diamond and platinum jewelry, but are we really showcasing shoes in glass cases now? It seems a bit much to me.

I’ll admit it. I’m a straight man who can not only recognize Manolo Blahnik and Jimmy Choo shoes on a woman, but I can sometimes (emphasize on "sometimes") tell them apart. I know, shocking and scary. And while I’m being honest/borderline gay, how gay is it for me to say that I love my Prada shoes? That’s right, I have some Prada shoes...and a jacket...and a... I think I’ll stop there. But hey, if I dressed like a slob, my sister would surely disown me. Hmm, would that necessarily be a bad thing though? I’m kidding. I love my sister, sometimes. It was inevitable that all her fashion crap was bound to wear off on me sometime. She’s been hung up on it since age 3 and I grew up in the same house with her for the first 18 years of my life.

Still, all I’m really interested in is the super hot models! But if you want to check out what’s going on at Fashion Week, then you can try to weasel your way into a show too. Although it’s highly unlikely you’ll succeed unless you are somehow tied to the fashion industry. Don’t cry though. There is an easier route that allows you to get a glimpse of the action. Visit on the web, Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week 2008.

This concludes perhaps the gayest post I’ve ever written! I hope my female readers are happy now. I think my next post should be extremely manly in content, to overcompensate for all my girly talk lately. I’m thinking I’ll post about raw cuts of meat, ball sweat and big titties. Yeah, that sounds manly enough.

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