Thursday, September 25, 2008

Celebrating 10 Wonderful Blissful Google Years

Happy 10th birthday Google! Has it really been that long? It seems like just yesterday I had come home from school and Googled for the very first time. I’m not exaggerating when I say it was love at first sight. Right from the get-go I was hooked. You gave me what I needed and without hesitation. And because of that, I said goodbye to all the other search engines I had been with before you. I decided right then in there that you were "the one" and I’ve never regretted choosing you. I committed, without being asked to. I committed, because I wanted to. You were the homepage I set my browser to default to. You were the homepage so clean, so pure and so beautiful. You were the homepage for me (insert heavy loving sigh). You fulfill me. You, you autocomplete me.

Dude, I heart Google too, but this photo is just not right and in so many ways.
Can we get this man a shirt please? A Google tee if we must. Whatever it takes.

Oh how I love you, Google! Let me count the ways, 10 ways to celebrate 10 years.

10. Google Images, simplifies surfing porn. I mean it simplifies finding photos for science projects?
9. Google Maps with GPS, gets me from point A to point B and never wondering aimlessly in between.
8. Google News, specifically Tech News I read daily.
7. Gmail.
6. Gchat.
5. G-Unit. Oh wait, they aren’t related to Google, but I still like them.
4. Because Google is not only a noun, it’s also a verb.
3.Because sometimes when it’s late at night and I’m alone and feeling naughty, I Google myself. Shh.
2. Because Blogger is the love child of Google and Blogger feeds my passion for writing.
1. Because Google is the #1 search engine today and has single handedly killed Yahoo (almost) – YES!

Finally...because they’re Google, duh.

And if you don’t love Google like you rightfully should, then may you die a slow and painful death just like Yahoo.

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