Ever wonder what it looks like when English Bulldogs attack? Well wonder no more because here are some up close and personal views of what it looks like thru the eyes of a victim, me, when his beloved Bulldog mauls his master! I’ve learned a lesson here. You can’t go away to NYC for a solid week, then return home only to work three 12-hour workdays back to back and not expect to pay the piper when you finally sit down on your couch at night. Rest and relaxation is just not going to happen. He will be there. And he will be waiting.
(Sorry for the grainy cell phone photo gallery.)

I don’t mind being smothered in kisses, even if they really are sloppy wet Bulldog kisses. Although he wrestled me to the point where I was actually sweating! He’s a strong little guy, I’ll give him that. Once I finally got him to settle down and his massive kissing attack ended, we had our usual 9:00 couch cuddle session. It’s actually my favorite part of the day.
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