Monday, July 28, 2008

Pitbull Attack

My English Bulldog puppy is a lover, not a fighter. He doesn’t provoke a fight, but at the same time, he won’t back down if picked on. Initially, I thought that was a good thing. It’s how I live my own life. In hindsight, it’s not always such a smart approach. You see, he is fearless. Well fearless with the exception of the overwhelming terror that consumes him when he sees a butterfly, ladybug or goldfish. Don’t laugh. Those are all very colorful and gentle creatures = extremely dangerous! Do you know how many people die yearly from butterfly, ladybug and goldfish attacks? I’m sure it’s hundreds of thousands, not to mention all those excruciating injury cases that go unreported. Oh...and he’s not a frog fan either. In his defense, they do make scary burpy noises and jump obscene distances. They’re like freaks of nature. Now with that said, he never chooses his battles, but he often finds himself forced to do battle with a canine opponent more than double his weight and 3x his size! They aren’t exactly fair fights, so it’s not surprising that his fight record is a little lopsided. Ok, he’s 0-2 and he’s come out bleeding both times. And the first person to even snicker at that better lace up their gloves and step into the ring with me because I will defend my little buddy and his good reputation to the bitter death.

With an angel-like glow hovering above his head,
he comforts himself by sucking his thumb.

Bulldogs, Pitbulls, Dobermans, Rottweilers and German Shepherds are all fighting breeds. Every dog was originally bred for some type of purpose. English Bulldogs were bred to take down and kill bulls – 2,000 lbs bulls! Nothing is braver than a dog that stands just a foot tall that is willing and eager to do battle with a 2,000 lbs raging bull with massive horns just waiting to spear him alive! Now I can’t speak for other breeds, but I know that Bulldogs have had that "aggression" bred out of them over the years. Today they are known to be good tempered, loveable chunks of meat with giant hearts. However, they have retained their fierce loyalty and courageous spirit. So courageous in fact that I sometimes question if his bravery is borderline stupid. Dogs aren’t like people. They don’t have the ability to reason. Therefore dogs don’t try to talk it thru first. They live in the moment. And if a dog wants to scrap, he will scrap.

Unfortunately for my pup, he's been having to scrap a lot lately. Last week it was with a Doberman over a stick. And last night, it was with a Pitbull over a stick. See the pattern here? My dog loves sticks. There’s no denying him that love and if you try to steal it away from him, be prepared. He’s a dominant dog. He’s not going to give it up. I repeat, he is NOT going to give it up! He’s stubborn, like his old man. So if you try pulling it out of his mouth, he’s just going to pull back. It’s a game to him. He isn’t harboring any ill feelings towards you. He means no harm. It’s just that he found it first and it’s his stick. Plain and simple. Why can’t other dogs respect that? Know your boundaries and don’t overstep them. Those are the rules. Abide by them.

I have nothing against Pitbulls. Actually some of the sweetest dogs I know are Pitbulls, but it depends on how you raise them. I can’t emphasize that enough. That goes for any dog really. You can even turn a toy Poodle mean if you treat it bad. But when you have a dog that is a "fighting breed" to begin with, your leadership is key. The owner has to be the alpha dog and the dog has to not only respect you, but other people and animals as well. Clearly the girl who owns this Pitbull does not have the dog’s respect. She can’t handle him because she has no leadership skills. If you ask me, she shouldn’t even have a dog, especially an unneutered Pitbull. I’m sorry, but there is no reason that dog should still have his balls. The build-up of testosterone only helps fuel his dominate and aggressive behavior. And the last thing this world needs is more Pitbulls breeding! The shelters are overflowing with unwanted dogs as it is, especially Pitbulls.

It’s an accident just waiting to happen. And the dog is just waiting to strike, to have a reason to fight. He ran around trying to butt fuck every dog in the park to display his dominance. The Pitbull’s owner just sat and watched, literally like a bump on a rock, as her dog had freewill over the park. He even tea bagged my dog! Alright, I’ll admit it was disrespectful for him to rest his balls on my dog’s forehead, but it was slightly humorous too. Besides, dogs greet one another by sniffing asses. It’s what they do. However, when the Pitbull tried to get some "doggie style" action going with my dog, he was having none of it! Look, my dog isn’t gay. You aren’t going to have a party with his a-noose (that is Borat for "anus").

Fast forward to 20 minutes later, I notice my dog has a stick. He’s minding his own business, playing all by himself and being a good boy until along comes the butt fucking Pitbull and tries to take the stick off of Diesel! Oh no, that isn’t going to happen. So before I could break up the tug-of-war, the lazy owner finally decides she’s going to get up off her butt and do something about it. Of course she goes about it all wrong and tears the stick out of her dog’s mouth. That immediately pisses the Pitbull off and he bites my dog in the face out of anger when he should have really bit his owner! She quickly leashes her dog up knowing full well that my dog obviously got bit and wants to leave the park before I notice what happened. I yell to her to hold on so I can check my dog’s injuries. He turns to me with his eye full of blood! At this point I’m not only extremely pissed off, I’m also really worried about my dog since he just had a $3,000 eye surgery 2 months ago! I rinse his eye out until his blood is now pouring down my forearm and leg. Luckily the Pitbull JUST missed my dog’s eyeball and sliced him open on the lower lid and between the folds around his nose. He didn’t need stitches and seems to be healing up today.

If I ever run into them again, I think I’ll slap the shit out of her and neuter her dog with my bare hands. Moral of the story – hurt my dog and I’ll see to it that I hurt you worse.

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