Thursday, September 29, 2011

Career Blogs Need To Incorporate Sex And Swearing

Do business advice blogs bore you?

Yeah, me too.

And that's a shame because they are often packed with lots of great content! The trouble is they often pack that great content in a boring manila folder. And lets be honest, no one is ever eager to peek inside a boring manila folder.

So these posts get overlooked and their great advice goes unheard because the presentation and delivery are all wrong. They've failed to entice the reader and get them excited to read more!

Smart business advice doesn't vary much whether you are writing from an tropical island as a location independent entrepreneur, or from a corner office with a birds-eye view overlooking the island of Manhattan. It doesn't even vary much if you're writing from inside four dull gray cubicle walls.

The point is, from WHERE you write doesn't matter. HOW you write does! And personally, I would be more likely to read career blogs if they incorporated some sex and swearing. Anything to spice it up!

I don't write a lot of career/entrepreneurship advice here on my blog. Although I'm told I should. I don't write on the topic or even talk to my friends and family about business because quite frankly, at the end of a workday, I'm sick of talking about work.

Don't get me wrong. I love discussing business - hearing people's views, sharing my own, learning and applying new strategies. I just prefer to discuss it in a way that's more relaxed, more relatable.

Earlier this week I was asked to write a guest post for Brazen Careerist, a career-management site for high achieving young professionals and ambitious college students. I've had close to two dozen of my posts featured on Brazen Careerist in the past. So I'm guessing they like my edgy take on life and work.

Here is a nibble of my most recent one...

Giving It Away On A First Date and In Business
Ever notice that people who have a product or service of value are happy to give you a trial run or a money-back guarantee? That’s because they’re confident that once you get a taste of what they’ve created, you’ll come back for more. It’s the classic “try before you buy” concept. You hook them with that nibble.
It’s sort of like a first-date kiss. (Well, minus the nibble unless you’re into that sort of thing.) The kiss should be good, but small. Just enough to make them want more, to convince them to say yes to a second date and keep the thought of you lingering...
Click To Read The Full Post

Think of it like this. If you were standing on a corner with two men, one in a stuffy black suit and the other with a free-flowing purple mohawk, who would seem more fun to chat up?

Exactly! That's why I strive to write from a place inside myself that resembles a punk-haired businessman. Well, I'm currently sporting a fohawk undyed and missing a tie today. But close enough.

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