Friday, September 23, 2011

Forging Friendships With Unlike-Minded People

We are attracted to like-minded people. We form friendships and romantic relationships with those who share our similar interests, goals, beliefs and core values. Just look at the people you surround yourself with. Notice the familiar flavor.

And because they are familiar the bonds are effortless, comfortable and strong. Rarely do we step completely outside our comfort zone and approach someone that is nothing at all like us! Because to do that is scary and seems awkward, like filling space with the echo of crickets where conversation should lie. So to avoid chirping insects, sweaty palms and restless feet we stick to those we share common ground with. We stick to like-minded people.

No one would question why I'm friends with the people I'm friends with IRL (In Real Life as they say) because we compliment one another. We match up just perfectly. But when it comes to the online world some of these relationships not only surprise others, but have left me scratching my own head!

Take "Sally" for example. (I'll be using the fictious name "Sally" to protect her identity.)

I'm not sure two people could be more different - "Sally" and I. It's always baffled me that she reads my blog and likes my writing. I feel like I would be highly offensive to her (ex: The Manwhore Relapse post). I like using the word "fuck." She prefers saying "fudge." That's not very like-minded. So I once tried bringing her over to the darkside, corrupt her and get her to swear. I believe I got a "f*ck" out of her. The asterisk is as far as she's going to go. She made it to the light gray side.

She's a pair of properly pressed slacks.
I'm a pair of broken-in torn bluejeans.
She's been known to give out hugs.
I've been known to get into fist fights.
She goes to church on Sunday mornings.
I'm coming home on Sunday mornings.
She enjoys curling up with a good book.
I enjoy...well, let's just leave it at that.

Good people come in all kinds of flavors and mindsets. Of course most of us will never know this because we will never reach out to anyone other than like-minded people. The only thing that "Sally" and I have in common is that we both agree the sky is blue and the grass is green. Oh and one other thing - blogging.

That’s the beautiful thing about writing. We’re not just connecting our thoughts and emotions with words. We’re connecting with complete strangers with our words. If it wasn't for blogging, "Sally" and I may have never even exchanged pleasantries. She would stick to her like-minded folk and I would stick to mine. So maybe having a blog is the perfect introduction?

Bloggers are just good people. They're good to one another because even despite all their differences, whether they type out all four letters of a curse word or drop an asterisk in the middle, they will forever share one common ground - a love for the written word. And sometimes that's enough. Sometimes one similar interest is all it takes to get a conversation going. To spawn many more conversations. To forge the most interesting and most unlikely of friendships.

Thank you written word.

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