Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Busy People Suck

You know that guy that's portrayed in movies? The guy who wouldn't remember your name even if it was written on your forehead. The guy who can't get his shit together. Apparently that guy is me.

Lately I've become too wrapped up in my work. The other week my assistant had to remind me that my nephew was turning 1 and I should send a present. I never wanted to be that guy. The guy that needs reminders from his assistant to take care of the personal life he has neglected. I hate that guy!

I refuse to ever be the guy that has someone else send gifts or flowers on his behalf. The guy that can't remember special dates, like birthdays and anniversaries, all on his own.

I love giving gifts, writing a nice note, or picking out the perfect flowers. I've never been the guy who grabs the first card he sees in the store or just sends standard roses to get it over with.

I've always taken pride in the fact that I put a lot of time and thought in what gift I select and what words I choose to accompany it. That there is personal meaning behind it all. That it ties together. And most importantly, that there's no denying it's from me because it reflects me. And that there's no denying it's for you because it reflects you.

So what happens when you forget to remind yourself not to forget? What excuse do you use? The standard, "I was busy?"

I've never thought of myself as a forgetful person because forgetful people are usually unorganized, uncaring, or simply selfish. I am none of those things. Or am I? Or maybe I really am just busy.

Busy is an ugly word too. Say it outloud - busy. It's short. It's cold. Busy.

It implies I don't have time for you.

It's become standard dialog in our lives...

"Hey, how've you been?"
"Good. I've been busy."

But you know what? Busy isn't always good. Busy isn't always commendable. Busy sometimes sucks. And if you've been "busy" a lot, chances are you kinda suck too.

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