Saturday, September 3, 2011

Computers tablet Amazon

Amazon tablet computer illustration
Puzzle computer tablet Amazon unfolding. This tablet computer was ready and just waiting to be launched into the market.

Technology blog site TechCrunch claims to have tested the Amazon tablet computer that would also be named the Amazon Kindle - the exact name of the digital book reader devices.

According to MG Siegler of TechCrunch, the look and size of tablet computers is very similar to BlackBerry Playbook. 7-inch tablet that uses a capacitive touch screen that supports multi-touch input.

The tablet is to adopt the Android operating system, but it was similar to other Android. The main screen display such as carousel Cover Flow on the software on Apple computers, which will display the content of the tablet such as "collection of books, applications, videos, and so on.

He also would not provide the services Google and the Android Market, but Amazon provides a range of services that are highly integrated with these tablets. He uses Amazon's Android AppStore. Features of electronic book readers like the Kindle is an application on Android or in the IOS.

While the music player is the Amazon Cloud Player, video player is Amazon Instant Video Player. Capacity of 6 GB of internal storage, because it is designed as a 'cloud device'.

Amazon plans to sell the tablet is about the end of November this year, a price that only half of the iPad price of U.S. $ 250 or about USD 2.1 million. When the tablet is a success, Amazon plans to release its 10-inch version in the first quarter of next year.

According to Forrester Research, predicted the end of this year Amazon was able to sell between 3-5 million this tablet computer. He will be a significant challenger to the Apple iPad tablet computer.

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