Jobs repeatedly emphasized that the Flash technology is not open, but proprietary.
Afterblocking of Flash technology on different sides iPad tablet PCs,including founder and CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs, criticized the word.
Througha written statement on the Apple website, Steve Jobs explains why hedoes not let technology get Flash working on its products, emphasizingthat the Flash technology is no longer needed.
Jobs repeatedly emphasized that the Flash technology is not open, but proprietary technologies. "Althoughthe iPhone operating system, iPod and iPad is proprietary, we are veryconfident that all standards relating to the site to be open," saidJobs.
Insteadof using Flash, more jobs, Apple would prefer that technologies to beadopted in all the open standards: HTML 5, CSS and Java Script.
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According to Jobs Flash is also very draining batteries of mobile devices. When you play the H.264 video format, the iPhone up to 10 hours. In the meantime, keep on playing flash video format, the iPhone only 5 hours.
Flash also have addressed issues of reliability and safety. Jobscited the results of the computer security firm Symantec has recentlybaptized as a Flash application that has the worst safety regulationsin 2009.
"Wealso knew that Flash is the leading cause of why Mac computers willcrash. We do not want to reliability and security of the iPhone, iPodand iPad by reducing the flash technology," said Jobs.
Not only that Jobs also said that Flash is not for computers that are designed to interface multisentuhan finger. Flash is designed for use on a computer mouse. Why Flash sites rely on features such as "rollover".
Mostimportantly, Jobs said, Apple does not want any third party providing alayer of software between different platforms, combined with Apple'sdeveloper. Because in his view it would hinder the development platform.
Numberof developers showing their content on mobile devices from Apple, Flashis no longer necessary to watch a video or any offer to consume Webcontent. "Inthe future, perhaps Adobe should be better targeted to a good tool,HTML5, rather than taking to criticize Apple," Jobs said.
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