Friday, September 2, 2011

Apple Releases iCloud Beta Version

After one of the founders of Apple, Steve Jobs, introduced the iCloud, Apple also released iCloud site, to serve the online data storage services (online storage). However, this iCloud new site was launched in Beta version.

As quoted from the pages of Mashable, this iCloud Beta site can be used by all users who have Apple ID. iCloud featured email features in web view, features Contacts, Calendar, Find my iPhone - a feature that allows to know the location of the iPhone, if lost, by using GPS technology - and iWork.

A number of features that can be obtained if you use the IOS operating system 5 or Mac OS X Lion. However, iCloud will not be accompanied by cloud services to music, including iTunes Match.

Apple also released the pricing for the service iCloud. For the first 5GB of storage will be free to use. Then, an additional 10GB capacity will be charged U.S. $ 20. Meanwhile, the 20GB will be charged an additional U.S. $ 40, and 50GB cost $ 100.

This can be called expensive than Amazon's price is priced Cloud Drive. Amazon fix the price of U.S. $ 20 for 20GB of storage capacity. For storage of music, Amazon provides free store, and unlimited capacity.
Mashable page then called beta iCloud such as modification of MobileMe, Apple's previous online storage production. The similarity is also visible from the front view (interface).

With iCloud, users of Apple products can store data on the Internet, without having to use a computer hard drive or memory card in the phone.

iCloud developing trend that takes the concept of computer users store data and information on the 'cloud' (cloud). With iCloud, owner of the iPhone, iPad, or the iMac will have access to the storage of documents, images, calendar data, and emails from various places, not only from a particular gadget.

However, iCloud has a number of limitations. For example, photos can only be stored for 30 days, with a storage capacity of 1,000 photos. ICloud users could only save the document at 5 gigabytes, although is quite larger than the other competitors online storage.

To synchronize (sync) music, which can not be obtained from Apple's iTunes store, users must pay $ 25 per year. However, in addition to music features add-on earlier, all services use iCloud can be obtained free of charge.

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