Thursday, December 3, 2009

More Cool Tech Gadgets - FREE Giveaway!

So a little good news/bad news today regarding my blog and you the reader...

Bad News: My blog didn’t generate enough buzz during the HP dm3 contest. So I don’t get a second laptop to give away to another lucky reader.

Good News: HP was impressed with the amount of hype my blog did create. So I'll be doing future promotions, more tech gadget giveaways!

I can’t tell you what they will be because I don’t even know yet myself. However, when I do get word, I’ll pass it on to you immediately via my blog and my Twitter. That way you can take advantage of the free goodie goodness that is a shiny, new tech gadget!

As you're probably already aware, there are two things I love in life - writing and tech gadgets! So when I can combine the two, my heart nearly bursts with love. Although now that my first giveaway is over, I’ve discovered that I lost some followers and subscribers. I'm a little sad about that, but it's ok. It just means they’ll miss out on my future awesomeness...and of course more tech gadgets I’ll be giving away for free!

I would just like to reassure those who may be thinking that my blog is going to turn into some ad-laden, promotional pushy, constant contest/giveaway extravaganza that nothing could be further from the truth. My blog has been and always will be a place where I write. It’s my creative outlet and I’m not interested in changing my mission statement. So the same content that you’ve enjoyed over the course of my 5 years in blogging, and has given me nearly 2,000 subscribers, it’s staying. I will keep writing. I hope you’ll keep reading. And in the process I’ll toss a new laptop or some other cool gadget your way to say thanks for being loyal.


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