Monday, December 21, 2009

Choose's Best Blog Post of 2009

You may or may not have heard of a little blogging network called I shouldn’t say a "little" blogging network because with thousands of registered members, they aren’t little at all! Brazen Careerist is a career management tool for next-generation professionals. Or in other words, it’s where thousands of cool, hard working Gen-Y Bloggers hangout. Brazen Careerist focuses more on a blogger's professional life and less on their personal life. Although there are the occasional personal posts that slip in, like the ups and downs of dating. Afterall, dating can feel like a second full-time job to some!

Back in the Fall of 2008, I was contacted by Brazen Careerist Co-Founder Ryan Paugh. He asked if I wanted to join a new network called Brazen Careerist. The site had just launched, so naturally I had never heard of it. I remember asking myself..."What is Brazen Careerist? Who is this guy? And why did he pick me?" After a bit of conversation, Ryan convinced me to sign up and give it a shot (the early days of what Brazen Careerist looked like). Over a year later, I’ve watched it explode in growth! During that time I’ve had 16 of my posts featured on Brazen Careerist’s frontpage and enjoyed reading dozens of posts written by other talented bloggers from around the world. I don’t work for Brazen Careerist and I’m not getting paid to plug them. So when I say if you’re a blogger and you’re not part of this network that you’re missing out, it comes from the heart. That warm, squishy, little, left corner inside my chest cavity.

Last year Brazen Careerist did a "Top 100 Posts" list from their launch year. Yours truly stole the #73 spot with the most controversial post I had ever written at the time. According to Ryan it was also one, if not the, most heavily commented posts to ever be featured on Brazen Careerist. It received roughly 50 comments on and roughly another 50 comments here on

I wrote that post the next morning following Election Day 2008. It was about my views on Prop 8 being passed, a law in California that denied gay couples the right to marry. To me, I just couldn’t comprehend how we can create such a historical moment as electing the first ever black President, and in the very same night, be prehistoric in our views and beliefs when it comes to voting on Proposition 8. In 2008 we were ok with a black man, but not a gay man? The post, 4/5/08 - One Giant Leap Forward And One Giant Leap Backwards

That was 2008 and this is 2009. So this year the folks at Brazen Careerist have switched it up a bit. Their staff is not going to select the 100 greatest posts from 2009. Instead they are asking YOU, the reader, to select the best single post from 2009. Then whoever’s post receives the most votes will be crowed "Brazen Careerist’s Blogger of The Year" and win a $150 Amazon gift card. I was nomination for this post about the inevitable death of the newspaper industry, 6/3/09 - Save Newspapers? Um, No Thanks

I’m not going to be shameless and yell, "VOTE FOR ME!" Although I wouldn’t mind if you do, I’m not going to ask you to do so. Simply because I don’t feel that post was my best work of 2009...and because I’m trying to have some shame this time of year. Instead I'm asking you to just enjoy reading a bunch of interesting, well written posts over the past year. The topics are quite diverse and come from a wide variety of bloggers, each with their own unique writing style and different personal views. They are broken down into 8 different categories - Career Management, Working, Entrepreneurship, Social Media, Marketing/PR, Generation Y, Relationships, and Culture. While you're browsing, if you feel one particular post stands out to you, case a vote for it! Here are the official rules along with the list of bloggers and their posts up for the coveted "Brazen Careerist's Best Blogger of The Year" award...

Brazen Careerist's Best Blog Posts of 2009!

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