Friday, December 4, 2009

How-To Avoid Entering The Dreaded Friend Zone!

Notice this post isn’t titled "How-To Escape The Dreaded Friend Zone!" Why? Because few, if any, ever escape it once they enter it! That is the cold hard truth. So what do you do? Well you avoid entering the dreaded Friend Zone at all costs to begin with - duh! Of course that’s always easier said than done. So I’m here to help you with some tips and tricks to get you to becoming less of a support buddy and more of a fuck buddy...or rather a romantic interest.

Women can get sex anywhere, any time and any way they want it. The problem for us guys is that women don’t want sex anywhere, any time and any way WE want it. That is why men find themselves slipping into the dreaded Friend Zone more often than women do. Still, I know a couple of girls who are continually being thrown into the Friend Zone. They are at their wits end trying to figure out what they are doing wrong and how to reclassify themselves as a potential suitor, rather than a girl-bro or dudette. The unrequited feelings are happening with nearly every guy they meet! So that is why they turned to me for some help. I scratched my head over this for a couple of weeks in an attempt pinpoint what exactly they were, or weren’t, doing to cause them to be painfully trapped in the Friend Zone. After much observation and analysis, I think I’ve come to a conclusion. So here are my top 5 tips and tricks on how to avoid entering the dreaded Friend Zone...

5. Know Your Role
Do you have a penis? If the answer is no, then you aren’t one of the guys. So stop saying and thinking you are. And if you refuse to obey that rule and insist on wanting to be seen as one of the guys, then don’t cry when no guy wants to date you. Because think about it. You’re acting like a dude. We don’t want to date a dude. If we did, we would be gay. And being gay means we like penis, something you don’t have to offer us. Therefore, you acting like one of the guys is a lose-lose situation for you.

4. You Don’t Have To Be A Girly-Girl, But Be (Semi) Lady-Like
Guys like girls because they're different than us, thus making them interesting to us. You look different, talk different, walk different, think different, act different (or at least should, see #5) and smell different (waaay better than guys). You even pee different! Not only that, you have different body parts than us. THAT is the attraction. You bring something different to the table and have things to offer us that our buddies don't. Learn to embrace that. Use it to your advantage. Sure it's fine and often a bonus if a girl shares similar interests with the boys, for example likes football. However, there still needs to be a separation, a divide. Something that sets you apart from my friend Scum...which by the way is a real friend of mine. And trust me, if you're a girl, you DO NOT want me comparing you to Scum in my mind. Do whatever you have to do, but don't allow yourself to be seen the same way Scum is seen. Capiche?

So easy on the swears. Try to refrain from constantly scratching your balls. And never, NEVER spit! Because a lady never spits. She swallows. (Read that however you like.)

3. Don't Be Overly Awesome
Look, I hear you on the "I am woman. Hear me roar!" theme you got going on. The fact that you are a go-getter, power hungry, money making machine is sexy. (Or at least to me it is, other guys could be intimidated.) So I'm not asking you to be less awesome than me or even to tone your awesomeness down some. I'm just asking that you don't rub your awesomeness in my face or compare your awesomeness to mine, especially if you're more awesome than me! If you're overly awesome, you'll make me feel insecure. And making me feel insecure and poorly about myself is no way for me to build up the confidence needed to ask you out. That is why you will be placed in the Friend Zone. Basically, try to keep your level of awesome in check.

2. Let Me Know I'm Needed, Wanted and Appreciated
Contrary to our hard outer He-Man-like shell, men have fragile egos. This is why we enjoy having our ego (not to mention our naughty bits) stroked so much. It feels good to be loved. But it feels even better to be needed, wanted and appreciated. We like to know that we matter, especially to you. I need to serve a purpose in your life - something a little more significant and meaningful than lifting heavy furniture, hanging picture frames and squashing spiders. Understand that I don’t need you to just need me in your life. I want you to want me in your life as well. Show me that you want me and I’ll show you that I want you. Then appreciate everything I do for you, who I am and who I strive to be as I appreciate you in return. Can you feel the love? Let it come full circle to squeeze you and put that warm pink hue in your cheeks. Cozy, isn't it?

This should be a no brainer, but nevertheless, it's my #1 tip and trick to help you avoid entering the dreaded Friend Zone! Guys are dumb. Yeah, I said it. The girls we think like us, don't. And the girls that do like us, we are clueless about. (Or maybe I should only speak for myself?) That is how a girl can often be tossed in the Friend Zone because we either completely miss the signs or misread the signs...or you fail to give us any signs to read at all! So FLIRT! Giggle, touch, smile, bat your lashes, say adorable things, flip your hair, straighten your skirt, ect. Whatever it is that you do, DO IT! Even the most oblivious guy is sure to pick up on that! Or so we hope.

Nobody ever said finding love was simple. And nobody ever said life was fair or easy. Sometimes you can do everything right and drop all the clues in the world to someone, but yet they still don’t get it! Other times they simply don’t want to see the clues because they are not interested in seeing you as more than a friend. That’s hard on the heart, but we’ve all been there and you will make it out alive. Which takes me back to the same question I always tell my friends to ask themselves..."Why do I want someone that doesn't want me?"

Cheap Trick once wrote a song and the lyrics go like this...

I want you to want me.
I need you to need me.
I'd love you to love me.
I'm begging you to beg me.

Worst case scenario, stop playing games and tell the person how you feel. If you want more, ask for more. If they utter the awful line "I think we’re better off as friends," just accept it. There’s nothing you can do. Do not beg. Do not plead. Rest your case.

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