Monday, July 17, 2006

I Lost My Mind When I Caught The Flu

Start the violin playing because I'm about to tell a tale of whoa here with. (FYI, that is an actual saying my Grandmother uses and I have no idea where she gets this stuff. The 1930s vault?) I'm sick. Fighting the flu...and in July! Who gets sick when it's 90 degrees out? Apparently me. The flu does strange things to your body...and your mind. Catching the flu is never fun, but having the flu in mid-summer, well that just really sucks ass. The worst part is that when your body shuts down, your mind seems to get a mind of it's own. It no longer belongs to you. It belongs to the flu. Those nasty little germs that come to party in your body. Think back to "The Cosby Show", circa 1980something, the episode where Rudy caught the flu and Cliff did a little jig to demonstrate the germs partying in her body. Know what I'm talking about? No? Ok, then ignore my ramble. Remember I'm sick, so if I'm not making any sense, I have a good reason. It's called being on drugs. Lots and lots of drugs.

The flu battle began back on Wednesday where I cut my workday a little short because I felt like a Mac truck had just ran me over. Thursday I toughed it out like a champ. Meeting after meeting after meeting. I didn't have time to be sick. The words "Have Flu" were not listed on my day's agenda. Friday morning, I got up and was paying the price for being a brave little solider the prior day. Standing in the shower contemplating whether or not I had already put shampoo on my head 3 minutes earlier, I realized I wasn't in the best state of mind. I had no clue what I was doing and the day hadn't even begun! I got out of the shower, looked in the mirror and said f*ck it. Then crawled back into bed where I stayed for 6 more hours, until sleeping beauty rose at a bright eyed and bushy tailed noon! I don't think I've ever slept that much in my life. Total, I had around 13 hours of sleep! It made-up for the lack of sleep I suffered for the past several months. Strung out on flu meds, I did get a little work done from home. I also did something I swore I would never do. Something worthy of being ridiculed for. I hope you are sitting down when I say this...I joined MySpace. I know, I know - cringe, giggle, let the mockery begin.

I was getting stir-crazy. I'm not good at being sick. I can't sit still long enough to get better. So I attempted to entertain myself. I tried finishing the Internet and I almost succeeded until my Mom called. She wanted to chit-chat. Lucky me. If you know my Mom, you know what this is like. She talked and she talked and talked. And just when I thought she was all talked out, she talked some more. On and on and on. My mind had clocked out long ago, but I think she was going on 45 minutes or more chit-chatting to me about absolutely nothing. I sometimes screen my Mom's calls. I know that is really mean. I love the woman dearly, but I just can't talk to her on the phone about nothing for that long. At one point, I actually layed the phone down beside my head on the couch and started channel surfing. The show "Cheaters" was on. If you never saw it, congratulate yourself for having a life. However, when you are home sick, that is about the only thing on TV. So I watched 2 gay dudes fight over a 3rd dude, complete with a bitch slap! I think the show is suppose to be a realty drama show, but to me it was pure comedy.

I'm dragging this post out, much like my Mom's phone conversations. So let me wrap-up with a recap of the flu bug highlights. Eww, ahh.

  • Created a MySpace account. You can view it at Just 1 hour after creating it, I regretted the decision. I've never joined any of those social networking sites like Frienster, nor have I ever signed up for any online dating sites and for good reason. Just an hour after creating the MySpace account, I started getting bizarre messages from people. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only normal person alive on planet Earth. I have a feeling I won't be keeping that MySpace account for very long. Weird people scare me, but I just had to see why it is rated the #1 most visited site on the net today.
  • Despite not feeling well, I was determined not to let the flu ruin my weekend. So I dragged my ass out where my friends were doing shots of God only knows what, while I was stuck doing capfuls of Robitussin. Hey, a shot is a shot.
  • Took my waverunner to the lake this weekend and came to an amazing discovery. Your back can get pretty fried riding hunched over in 90 degree direct sun, shining down and reflecting up on you from the water.
  • Weekend finished off with a surprise visit from my niece. She buttered me up with the usual hugs and kisses. Then she layed it on thick by telling me she likes my car. Finally, she went in for the kill and raided my kitchen. Did you know 2-year-olds like beer? I learn something new everyday.

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