Friday, July 7, 2006

Chic Geek

Vogue most likely would not call this look elegant or stylish. It wouldn't be deemed fashionable, nor would it be considered sophisticated among well-dressed young executives. However in the geek world, some may see this as uber-cool and label it as "chic geek". When it comes to black tie events, many geeks find themselves out of their element. While the rest of us often look forward to social outings, geeks dread the thought of having to become a social butterfly for a night. A geek would rather sit behind a PC staring at code than mingle among a crowd. His goal list doesn't include introducing himself to that breathtaking vision who is sipping wine across the room. A geek's party goal is more likely about brining some geekdom to the event. Something that says...I'm here. I'm a nerd. Get use to it.

When one geek was invited to a black tie party, he attempted to put a little chic in the geek by creating his own cufflinks out of Ethernet connectors and wire. Thus the crimp-your-own cufflink was born. He's has detailed instructions on his mod so that other geeks can follow suit. Personally, I wish nobody follows suit on this. D-O-R-K-Y. I have a wedding to attend next month and I can just imagine if I were to wear Ethernet cufflinks on my tux, my date would slap me silly and disown me at the reception. And it would be well deserved. However, if you like this type of chic geek, then here's the Ethernet Cufflinks How-To Guide.

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