Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Don't Hate The Playa, Hate The Game

What are you doing today? Want to snope thru my e-mail? Are you shaking your head yes, sure? Ok then. Wish granted. Here is a small flurry of e-mail exchanges I had with my sister. Actual e-mail addresses, full names, times and dates are not being disclosed in order to protect the innocent...I mean guilty.

Her e-mails will be in red. Mine will be in blue.


Thank you so much for this weekend!! It's one of the nicest surprises anyone has ever done for me. It may of been my bestest birthday ever!:)

I sent you the two photos from the skybar &one I took of you surfing. Tell me if you don't get them,never mailed straight from my phone.

I'm sure by now you have told everyone Paris Hilton smiled at you. Too bad you don't have proof. You could post this email on your nerdy blog as proof. I just gave you an idea,didn't I?

Miss you already,wish you could of stayed longer. Give everyone a hug from me. See you for Christmas. Can't wait,5months & counting!

love ya,


You're very welcome. I had alot of fun. Just don't gush on your brother too much. It could get weird, like we were dating and that would be very West Virginia-E, not very California-E. Speaking of going out, do you have plans for the rest of this week to extend your b-day celebration? Like a date with a stud. Hulk Hogan perhaps?

126 there today huh? As Paris would say...that's hot!

- me


I do have a date on Wednesday night but not with the Hulkster. how was the flight?


The flight - we didn't crash or get hijacked. So the flight was up to par.

What's wrong with the Hulkster? He's perfect for LA! Fake, tan, blonde and has a big chest. What more could you ask for?

So who's the hot date with? Tell me it's not that hairy speedo wearing dude. I'll puke.


Oh my god I've turned into you! I don't even remember the guys name! This is bad. What do I do?



HAHA! Are you serious? That's awesome. Yes, you've turned into a guy overnight, actually a pimp. Welcome to the playa's club. Dark and shaddy practices. You'll fit right in. I've never forgot a girl's name I had a date with, so I don't have much advice for you. I guess you could always lift his wallet during the date and sneak a peak at his ID? Better yet, just avoid having to address him directly. If all else fails, a coy "hey you" should get his attention without blowing your uninformed cover. Good luck!

By the way, this IS getting blogged. Hah.

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