Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Money Matters

Ever come across those blogs or books from people who try to get you all riled up about life? I won't name any names, but you know the ones. The ones that encourage you to quit your job (just like they did). Follow your passion (just like they did). Start your own business (just like they did). Travel the world (just like they did). And how you should clone your life after theirs because it's amazing and how on Earth would you not want to live this amazing life too! However, one lifestyle does not fit all. But let's pretend for a minute that the lifestyle I just described above does fit you. Or rather, you think it might fit you so you want to give it try. So you take the leap. You quit your job and you're free to full-time passion pursue. Good for you! But the most important question remains. The one they NEVER talk about. The one no one dares to EVER ask. The question...

So how much money are you making now?

"Oh, how rude! How could anyone ask such an impolite question or disclose such personal information?" That's what you say outloud, but in your head a very different dialog is going on. You're curious. You want to know. In fact, you NEED to know! How else are you going to live this wonderful life they are all preaching about if they refuse to reveal one of the most important details of all - MONEY!

Let's be serious. Money matters. Those that say money doesn't matter obviously don't need to eat food in order to sustain life. So quit the modern day hippie bullshit that money doesn't matter and life is all about being happy. Money matters and you know it matters. While money may not buy happiness entirely on it's own, it sure makes it a hell of a lot easier to smile when you have some. It puts a roof over your head, food in your belly and clothes on your back. So unless your idea of happiness consists of being naked, hungry and homeless, money matters.

I don't know about all of you, but personally I like money. I like not having to run calculations in my head as to whether or not I can afford to go out to dinner or see a movie on a whim. I like not having to put up with a roommate because I can swing my mortgage solo. I like buying furniture that comes preassembled and truck delivered rather than hauling a heavy Swedish cardboard box home filled with faux wood planks and tedious DIY instructions. And I like being able to buy the latest overpriced tech gadget on release day not because I need it, but because I can. I like money because I like freedom. The two go hand in hand. And it's that simple.

But what isn't simple is the secret to money. Or rather, how all these unconventional lifestyle livers are making money. I'm not referring to making a few bucks off some ebook or affiliate links either. I'm talking real money. Serious money or at least a respectable amount of it. Money that can sustain you comfortably. Keyword: comfortably. Because while I'm sure anyone can scrape by living an unconventional lifestyle, most of us don't want to "scrape by" in life. Scrapping by in life makes few people happy. And isn't THAT exactly what living an unconventional lifestyle is suppose to provide - happiness and freedom? And how do you get happiness and freedom? It's fueled by dollar bills, yo.

You should never let a lack of money stand in the way of your dreams, but at the same time, you should never let your dreams cloud the fact that money matters. Being able to eat matters. Money is one of those taboo topics no one wants to talk about, but if you're thinking of taking the leap to unconventional living, you need to get a realistic money conversation started. I would be curious what these people made in their previous conventional lifestyle when compared to their current unconventional lifestyle. Are they living in their parent's basements or a van down by the river? Do they have money for health benefits, investments, savings and retirement? Have they racked up a crazy amount of credit card debt? Are they too proud to admit to having a 2nd secret job with a steady paycheck? More than likely, there are a whole slew of other unglamorous secrets they aren't telling you in their personal manifestoes. They never disclose anything relating to money, which is why it's easy to get caught up in the inspiring soapbox chants and glossy bubble of it all. Plus, everyone loves a rebel!

But sometimes you need to distance yourself to see things clearly, to put life in proper perspective. You need to know if this lifestyle is livable, if you need to embrace a side hustle, or if you need to crawl back to your 9-5 grind in order to fill your empty stomach with vital nutrients. If life has taught us anything it's that for every success story there are hundreds of others that have failed. So there's a good chance you'll become a statistic as opposed to an inspiring tale of unconventional living. I don't say that to be a pessimist and to squash your dream. I say it because some people need to wakeup! And nothing will wake you up faster than money matters.

Related post of interest: 12/7/10 - Top 10 Cold Hard Truths About Entrepreneurship

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