I work in an industry (run a Network Security Consulting company) where I calm a client's biggest fears by safeguarding them from an attack. I do my best to prepare them. But as you know, bad shit often happens to good people. And when the worst happens, as it sometimes will, I show them how to adapt.
Now comes the metaphors...

I recently took my company (all whopping 6 employees) on a team building/bonding session. We went snowboarding. Initially the idea was just to get everyone out of the office, unplugged and relaxed. The only objective was to have some fun. But as the day went on, obstacles presented themselves and tiny tragedies occurred. It turned into a giant learning experience with metaphors popping up everywhere! Lessons that could be applied on the slopes, in the workplace, in love and in life.
Metaphor #1 - If You Find Yourself Spinning Out Of Control, Dig In
The snow report said 40 degrees with packed powder. They lied. It was more like 40mph winds with packed ice! Mother Nature was calling the shots which meant you had virtually no control over your body or your board. The strong wind gusts and the sheets of ice slid you onto trails you didn't intend on taking and over mountains you didn't intend on toppling down. Although as any snowboarder knows, to regain control you must dig your edge in harder. And isn't that the best way to regain control over any situation when the Universe has you spinning? You have to dig in, claw away at a problem until you find your sure footing and can stand on your own again. On the slopes, in the workplaces, in love and in life.
Metaphor #2 - Things Will Fall Apart, Make Due With The Pieces
Just 5 minutes into the trip and the toe strap on my bindings snapped. While upsetting, I wasn't going to let it ruin everything and dictate how the rest of the day went. As I looked at the plastic and rubber coated 6 inch strap lying in the snow, I realized how symbolic it was. You just never know when something will fall apart - a professional relationship, a personal relationship, a toe strap. And sometimes you can't mend things. You just have to make due with the remaining pieces. On the slopes, in the workplace, in love and in life.
Metaphor #3 - When Someone Crashes, Extend A Hand
Even experienced snowboarders fall in these types of conditions. You would think extending your hand to someone lying flat on their face would be a no-brainer. But most of us wiz on by because we know they are capable of getting up on their own, or at least assume the injury isn't great enough to prevent them from recovering solo. In other words, the best of us fall. And when we do, while we may not always need a hand or feel embarrassed to take a hand, it sure is nice if one is offered. To know that at least one person cares, especially when the rest of the world doesn't seem to. On the slopes, in the workplaces, in love and in life.
It's inevitable, you're going to hit icy patches in life. Things are going to fall apart and you are going to crash every now and then. But you can make it over those mountains. Just come prepared...and when the worst happens, adapt.
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