Thursday, May 21, 2009

One-Sentence Commencement Speech

Few things swell one’s heart up with pride like the sound of "The Pomp and Circumstance Marches" playing. But nothing will deflate your ballooned heart faster than a painfully long and extremely dull commencement speech. Commencement speeches are supposed to be aw-inspiring, motivating, and packed full of life changing words to send you confidently on your way into the real world. However, sometimes these commencement speakers go off on a tirade and tend to ramble on for what feels like eternity!

My philosophy..."Keep it simple, stupid."

I’m sitting there in a long black robe, stifling under a hot sun, and seated with my graduating class that is packed in around me like sardines. One of two things is bound to happen - I’m either going to pass out from the heat, or fall asleep due to sheer boredom. So enlighten me. Move me. Make me feel that my $40,000 tuition is paying off immediately with your wonderful words of wisdom that can be applied to my past, present, and future. Basically, give me something to talk about. But more importantly, something to forever remember.

In the spirit of "Keep it simple, stupid" I ask that you compile your own one-sentence commencement speech. So pretend for a moment that you are elected honorary speaker at the most prestigious college or university you can imagine. Collect your thoughts, compose yourself and begin delivery!

Just one sentence.

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