Saturday, May 23, 2009

Internet Famous

Perez Hilton, iJustin, and Julia Allison all come to mind when I hear the term "Internet Famous". They’ve basically made a name for themselves by shamelessly self-promoting who they are and what they do via the Internet. While some may applaud them for being so bold, others find their antics appalling. How you see these three characters is a matter of personal opinion and everyone is entitled to theirs. So let’s all just agree to disagree on whether or not being Internet Famous is a good thing or a bad thing, or if such a thing even exists! Is there such a thing as being Internet Famous? If so, who would qualify for this title and what does it entail? Your guess is as good as mine. Because you see, I find the term "Internet Famous" to be funny. I don’t take it seriously and I don’t think anyone else should either, especially the person to whom the Internet Famous label is placed upon.

As I’ve mentioned in a previous post, I’ll be the first to admit that I whored myself out to the staff at when I Tweeted..."Who do I have to sleep with to become a Blog Of Note?" (FYI: Blogs Of Note is a list of interesting and noteworthy Blogger-powered blogs, compiled by the Blogger Team.) While no one knows for sure if that single Twitter update did or didn’t have something to do with me becoming a Blog Of Note this past Tuesday, I’m certain it didn’t hurt! I really didn’t think much would come from that Tweet, but since that day, my blog has been blowing up with activity! In a matter of just 5 days, my blog has received a couple thousand hits per day and is quickly closing in on having 700 subscribers! As narcistic as it is, I’ll admit even I am impressed.

While all this newfound and sudden attention to my writing is extremely flattering, it’s also a bit overwhelming. Just weeding thru my e-mail inbox lately feels like a part-time job. Don’t get me wrong, I love all the feedback and I do read every comment left on my blog. However, I simply can’t respond to all the comments and e-mails. I wish I could though, but I’m only one man and there’s only so much free time in the day. Personally, I think this is a good problem to have. The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do well, and doing well whatever you do without thought of fame. If it comes at all it will come because it is deserved, not because it is sought after.

So am I now "Internet Famous"? No, I don’t think so. But I am very happy about all the exposure my writing has received lately! With my readership base growing, I feel like my writing needs to grow as well. And I would be lying if I said I don’t feel just a little pressure now to write more fluently.

To help me with that, I’ve pitched the idea to a friend of mine about being a guest blogger here. I’ve never had anyone write a post for my blog before, but I thought it might be nice to switch things up a bit. The details aren’t completely worked out just yet and I'm withholding her identity for now, but I can assure you that whatever she writes is a worthy read. She’s a freelance writer out of NYC and a pretty damn talented one at that. Actually, she’s the one that started referring to me as "Internet Famous", saying that she felt like she was talking to a celebrity or something. Of course she’s kidding and of course I laughed it off because being Internet Famous sounds so silly to me. However, now that I think about it, I should have taken advantage of the situation and asked her if she wanted to whip out her titty for me to autograph! Damn it. I let a perfect opportunity pass me by.

Note To Self: Fame is short lived, seize the moment.

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