Thursday, May 14, 2009

Get Paid to Tweet, Facebook and Comment on Blogs?

Jobs! Everyone needs one to pay for booze and hookers. Ok, for rent and food, but anything extra should go to booze and hookers. And in today’s tough economy, there is a good chance you are currently unemployed and looking for work. Or you may have a day job, but wouldn’t mind making a little extra cash on the side. So when someone says you can get paid for something you already do for free and love, you’re ecstatic...and skeptical. We’ve all heard of those crappy AdSense ads and other marketing schemes that try to convince bloggers they can make big bucks for doing what love - blogging. However, the truth is you make mere pennies, basically pocket change. Even if you find a little success by cluttering up your blog with ads and hoping unsavvy Internet users will unknowingly click thru those ads, chances are extremely slim you will ever make a substantial living off of blogging alone. So like it or not, you’re going to need to get yourself a REAL job.

Or...maybe I spoke too soon?

Surf on over to Craigslist (new york craigslist > manhattan > writing jobs) and you will come across this posting.

We are looking for a few good writers who know their way around Twitter and Facebook who can leave native comments in groups and to people that are relative to our Company's products.

We will pay anyway you like: per comment, per day, per month, per minimum comments left, per forum. Whatever works best for you.

We are a new Company with a great line of products and we are just looking to get recognized. We are not looking to spam thousands of irrelevant comments. We are not very Twitter or FB savvy, and do not have the time to spread the word ourselves. This is like our Stimulus plan. You leave some cool appropriate comments, and we stimultate the economy by 1) paying you good money, and 2) by helping a new company get off the ground. It's a Stimulus whammy!!

Email us and let us know first if you understand your way around Twitter and Facebook, and second if you have the time to help us.


* Location: anywhere
* Compensation: $2-$5per comment or Forum that's relative to our product. This can add up very quickly as there are 1000's of Blogs, forums, Tweets, Groups, etc out in the Webworld.
* Telecommuting is ok.
* This is a part-time job.
* This is a contract job.
* This is an internship job
* Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
* Please, no phone calls about this job!
* Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.

Now we are talking about Craigslist here, a site notorious for scams, particularly make money quick/easy scams. As they say, if something sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. But does that rule apply here? I’m going to let you judge for yourself. However, when someone says it is not ok to call the employer about the job, that leaves a fishy scent in the air.

$2-$5 per comment? For that kind of money I could leave a handful of comments, pocket $20 and buy myself a stiff drink or a cheap BJ on the street!

If anyone is interested, apply and report back to us.

The above statement was said in sarcasm. I do not pay for BJs on the street, but I wouldn’t mind having a stiff drink right now! Which reminds me, is 3:00 too early for Happy Hour to begin on a thirsty Thursday afternoon?

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