Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I’m Today’s Featured Blog On Blogger!

Since 2001, Blogger.com has been running a site called "Blogs Of Note" in which everyday they feature a new blog they feel is noteworthy. It’s a great way to introduce you to new blogs you may otherwise never know existed. And today, I made the list! I’m the featured blog for Tuesday, May 19, 2009!

Now perhaps I gently persuaded them with my Twitter update yesterday...

Before the accusations start, there is no proof I did or did not sleep my way to the top of the blogosphere. Although I will say that a little whoring goes a long way, even if that whoring is whoring out your blog link as opposed to your body. With that said, I myself am not clear as to whether or not I will need to be granting any sexual favors to the folks at Blogger. But I would like to thank them for featuring little ol' me. You made my day!

Check it out at...

And retweet it at...

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