Saturday, June 28, 2008

Leaving For NYC

Sorry, I’m a lackadaisical blogger lately. I have lots of stuff in mind that I want to write about and intend to write about, I just haven’t had the time to do so. You understand, don’t you? Nod head yes.

I will say this now though...

I'm all for things that are different, out of the ordinary and stand out from the crowd. But if I ever catch someone painting their beautiful Brooklyn Brownstone an awful shade of putrid pink, I’ll shoot you on site. No questions asked. Just know, you had it coming to you.’s called a BROWNstone for a reason. And it's a historical part of NYC. Just leave it brown, jackass. It’s the equivalent of painting over or covering up an interior exposed brick wall in your apartment! People who do this sort of thing are the same type of people who can’t appreciate a Monet painting. To them, Monet just looks like a paint-by-numbers page pulled out of their 5-year-old kid's watercolor book. I’m not saying you have to love Monet or even like Monet, but have some respect. The same rule applies to a Brownstone. I don’t care if you love it or hate it, but it deserves a little respect. Painting it pink – not so respectful. It just makes me cringe.

Go ahead and clean things up and make your living space more modern, but for the love of God, please PLEASE leave the architectural character intact. It's what makes NYC, NYC. I can feel my Grandfather rolling over in his grave at just the mere thought of painting over a Brownstone or an interior exposed brick wall. And don't even get me started on carpeting over wooden floors that can easily be brought back to life with a little TLC.

Ok, I'm done ranting and I promise not to get my panties all in a bunch next time. And yes, I do realize that I sound flaming gay in this post. I swear I'm not. I just come from a family of architects and it pains me to see "crimes" committed against beautiful architecture, especially in the city I heart so much.

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