Friday, March 28, 2008

I’ve Been Hit By A Freight Train

I’ve been hit by a freight trained. Derailed off the course of life. I’ve been stopped dead in my tracks by the evil flu bug. It reared its ugly head earlier this week and is now charging full speed ahead and I don’t see it coming to a halt anytime soon. It has disrupted my daily routine. It has kept me home from work. It has left me wallowing in self-pity as I lay confined to either my bed or couch, while my puppy looks on with soulful eyes. I’m thinking I’ll be out of commission for about a week. He must sense this too as he leaves out a frustrated whine, he has lost his best play buddy. I haven’t had the flu this bad since I was in college and I carried a bucket with me in case I had to puke while waiting in line to register for my Spring classes. Back then, I remember feeling like I was going to die. Now, I wish someone would just kill me. Perhaps I’m just a baby, but I imagine lying on one’s death bed feels very similar. And if I am in fact on my death bed, I wish someone would just pull the plug, end this cruel suffering and put me out of my misery already.

Even my eyelashes hurt! And because of this, I will have to continue writing this post at a later time. Right now, I’m going to go enjoy some more fever induced hallucinations. Good times.

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