Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Bizarre Unknown Incoming Txt

From: ***-***-****

FWD: God saw u struggling. God says its over. A blessing is comin ur way. If u believe.

Tue, Mar 18, 11:00 pm

This is the txt message I received tonight out of the blue on my cell phone. I have no idea who it’s from and it didn’t allow me to reply to it. Weird? I would say so, especially considering it arrived at this rather "interesting" time in my life.

So is it a message from God? Or is it your standard spam? It's probably just spam. Actually, I’m sure that's all it is. But still, you have to admit that it is pretty bizarre.

And I always figured if God ever wanted to talk to me, he would shoot a bolt of lightning down, something flashy and dramatic to catch my attention. Or maybe he would go the more subtle route. Maybe he would leave me a voice mail message or even e-mail me. I never thought he would be a txter though. Hmm.

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