Friday, February 5, 2010

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

I don’t know what I was thinking, apparently I wasn’t thinking. I took a story (a personal matter) and purposely twisted it, taking it out of context to create a humorous tale to post here on my blog. Stupid.


I’ve since apologized and removed the post I had published here earlier today. Still, I can’t take back what I did. Believe me, I sooo wish I could! I fucked up. I feel smaller than a midget, worse than an asshole, and dumber than a rock. I don’t know what my problem is, but I deserve the ending result.

I won’t say more than that because I’ve already shared entirely too much with this virtual world. So I’m going to shut up. But before I do, let me just re-emphasize one last thing...

I’m so, sooo sorry for what I’ve done! My intention was never to purposely hurt anyone, embarrass anyone, or let anyone down. I don’t expect forgiveness. I just ask that everyone doesn’t judge me based solely on this one act, on my sheer stupidity. I messed up. I was wrong. Now I have to live with it.

(comment section closed)

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