Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Business, Finance, Hockey

This is my first post and although I have been trying to start posting in the last three weeks I have been extremely busy with work, life, family, and hockey!

Moving forward I will start blogging regularly. I will simply blog to express my opinions and my takes on topics that I have outlined below.

Business Management: A topic that is my forte and over the last 7 years I am not only doing business management for a living but I am passionate, intrigued, and excited about it.

Finance/Economy: A topic that intrigues me every time I think about it. As a business leader I learn and experience financials on a daily basis, and would love to share (as much as I can) some interesting and developing trends with you.

Hockey: A topic that I am extremely passionate about and is not only my favorite pastime but a great teaching tool for me. I have always believed that managing a sports team is very similar to managing a business and if we imply the strategies and tactics of sports management to business management we will have a fun, stable, accountable, growing, and fiscally prudent environment.

I will try to keep my posts short and sweet and would appreciate any feedback, comments, and suggestions.
Keep visiting.

Thanks for reading.

For more information please


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