Today is my BFF's 3rd birthday! Yes, my BFF is a dog. Or at least to you he's a dog. To me he is sooo much more than I can even put into words! Actually, I can attempt to put it into words and I very much wanted to do just that today in celebration of his birthday. However, time is of the essence. And because I would rather spend more time playing WITH him on his birthday than blogging ABOUT him, I'm going to keep this post short and sweet. I'm re-posting the poem I posted on his 1st birthday. Then I'm cutting out of work early, taking him on a shopping spree at
Petsmart, to the dog park to play with his friends, then home to do a little backyard sledding/snowboarding (his favorite), and finally inside by the fire to warm up couch cuddling. Go ahead and laugh. Think I'm crazy or think I'm joking. I'm neither. This is how I want to spend my Friday night. Like a fine aged wine, our love only gets better with time. And there's no one else I rather spend my days with.
Happy birthday to my favorite chunk of meat. I love you, Diesel!

A Boy And His Dog
by Edgar Guest
A boy and his dog make a glorious pair
No better friendship is found anywhere
For they talk and they walk and they run and they play
And they have their deep secrets for many a day
And that boy has a comrade who thinks and who feels
Who walks down the road with a dog at his heels
He may go where he will and his dog will be there
May revel in mud and his dog will not care
Faithful he'll stay for the slightest command
And bark with delight at the touch of his hand
Oh, he owns a treasure which nobody steals
Who walks down the road with a dog at his heels
No other can lure him away from his side
He's proof against riches and station and pride
Fine dress does not charm him, and flattery's breath
Is lost on the dog, for he's faithful to death
He sees the great soul which the body conceals
Oh, it's great to be young with a dog at your heels!
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