Monday, September 21, 2009

What Happens In Vegas Doesn't Always Stay In Vegas

You know the saying..."What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas." Well apparently that rule doesn't always apply, or at least to me it doesn't. If you follow me on Twitter, then over the weekend you got the 140 character version of the tale I'm about to tell. Of course if you're anything like me, whenever there is a juicy story full of dirty sexapades and scandal, you want to hear more! You want the details of the debauchery as it unfolded, right? I knew it. And you should all be ashamed of yourselves for wanting to read such filth! Regardless, I'm going to help satisfy your need for perverted pleasures, but I'll do it without sacrificing my own need to retain the image my Mother has in her head of me being the fine, upstanding, young man she believes me to be.

It all happened rather traditionally. Boy meets girl. Boy thinks girl is cute. Girl thinks the same about boy. Boy asks girl out. Girl accepts.

A phone number turned into a phone call and a phone call turned into a Friday night date.

I arrive at her apartment, knock on the door and her roommate answers. I stood there for a second a bit confused. Did I have the wrong place? Was this a case of Deja vu? There was a sense of familiarity and also a sense of strangeness. And then it hit me. I know this girl. I know this roommate. I had a one-night-stand with her in Vegas! (crickets begin to chirp)

Awkward doesn't even being to describe it. And as uncomfortable as that moment was, even I have to admit it was a little funny. I mean seriously, what are the chances of that even happening! Las Vegas is known as "Sin City" and in it I committed one of the seven deadly sins - lust. But I never thought that sin would (literally) follow me a couple thousand miles back across the country and show up on a doorstep! What happens in Vegas is supposed to STAY in Vegas, so why do I have to be the exception to that rule? Well it seems I don't have the best luck, which is precisely why I don't play cards.

There is a lesson to be learned here. The lesson being...try not to be such a slut, David. And there is some good that came from date introduced her roommate by name, so I now know the girl's name that I hooked up with in Vegas. (Yeah, I failed to catch that bit of info the first time around in Nevada. But I'm going to be like Jamie Foxx and blame it on the al-al-alcohol.)

With a sheepish smile, I came clean to my date and confessed at dinner, before she went home that night and the roomie filled her in. She surely would have found out sooner or later, so I thought it was best if she heard it first from me. It's always wise to start a new relationship off with honesty, even if it's an ugly or embarrassing truth. The truth shall set you free, or in this case, will keep you from getting a second date.

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