Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Message From The Dog

Hello there. You probably know who I am, but if you don’t, then let me properly introduce myself. I’m the dog. What dog you ask? Well THE dog, of course! You know, David’s English Bulldog Diesel. If the name isn’t ringing a bell, than I’m rather shocked. Afterall, the guy doesn’t shut up about me...and rightfully so. I’m kind of a big deal (or at least to him I am). I don’t mean to sound cocky, but I’m probably the one thing in his life that is more important to him than life itself. That’s how much he loves me. It’s sweet, but sometimes mildly disturbing how much the guy kisses, hugs and cuddles on me. But hey, whatever makes him happy. I’m glad to be of service. It feels kind of good to warm his heart and light up his face with a big smile. But enough of this sentimental dog crap. Let’s get down to business. Let me tell you why I’m taking over his blog today.

They say in life that no matter how flat you make a pancake, it always has two sides to it. The same is true about a story. And while this is my Dad’s blog, it only tells one story – his. Now normally that would make sense and be totally acceptable, but there is something he’s failed to mention. The majority of the time when he writes, I’m by his side. Literally, by his side. He often pets me with one hand and types with the other. (And I’m not at liberty to say where the guy developed a talent like that!) I like to believe that I relax him and put him in this tranquil state that allows him to withdraw from the everyday stresses of his life and reflect on...

Hold on, I gotta fart.

Ahhh. Ok, that’s better. MUCH better! Wow, sorry about that. But I am a Bulldog and pig ears do a number on my tummy. Hold on while I crack a window.

Ok, back to what I was saying. Actually, I lost my train of thought. I think I was talking about flipping pancakes at iHop or something? Oh well, doesn’t matter. The point is that when the guy blogs or Tweets about me, remember you are only hearing HIS side of the story. I most likely have a different "tail" to tell. I’m no longer going to be the strong and silent type. I’m going to speak out, or rather Tweet out! I’m going to expose the naked underbelly of our relationship and tell MY side of the story.

So if you’re interested in viewing life through a dog’s eyes, then follow me on Twitter @DieselTweets

I promise the link is safe to click and flea infestation free.

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