Thursday, September 3, 2009

The More You Know

I like to think of myself as a fairly smart guy. I have a couple degrees and I can name all the U.S. States in alphabetical order. Now granted I have to sing them in that same squeaky, elementary school boy voice I had when I learned the "Fifty Nifty United States" song back in the 1st grade. But still, that level of smartitude has to count for something, right? So why is it that someone like me who borderlines on genius (note the sarcasm) can be so freaking dumb sometimes? I give to you Exhibit A.

Obviously this isn’t the exact conversation, word for word, as it occurred in real life and not over AIM or some other form of online communication where I could have saved the actual chit-chat. Although from the best of my recollection, this is how it went down...

Me: My head is killing me! Do you have any Aspirin?

Female Co-Worker: I have Tylenol. Do you want that?

Me: Yeah, that will work.

Female Co-worker: (checks her purse) Actually it’s Tylenol PM.

Me: (in a sarcastic, mocking tone) Ha-ha. I know. I get it. I’m on my man-period this week. But seriously, do you have just regular Tylenol or something?

Female Co-Worker: You know, you can take Tylenol PM.

Me: (gives her this irritated look as if to say stop playing around)

Female Co-Worker: might make you drowsy, but should get rid of your headache. (she pauses as a light bulb goes off in her head) Wait...what do you think the PM stands for?

Me: I'm not stupid. It's Tylenol for women. PM = premenstrual.

At this point she is almost on the floor in a fit of laughter. All these years I always thought that Tylenol PM was their version of Midol, the period medicine. I never knew PM stood for nighttime! Ahh, now I get it. I guess it does make sense though. Although to me, having PM stand for "premenstrual" made more sense.

Who ever looks at the moon on the bottle any way? Stupid period medicine.

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