Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Are You A Social Networking Snob?

According to Dictionary.com the definition of a snob is a simple one. A snob is a person who imitates, cultivates, or slavishly admires social superiors and is condescending or overbearing to others. A snob is also someone who believes himself or herself an expert or connoisseur in a given field and is disdainful of those who hold other opinions or have different tastes regarding this field. Basically a know-it-all that knows little to nothing about what they claim to be an expert in and have much to learn in life. They are soaked up in their own little world and feel the rest of the world revolves around them. Any outside distractions are mere misquotes that need swatted away. So by definition I would not be labeled a snob. Although when it comes to social networking sites, one may label me a snob simply because I don’t accept every friend request sent to me on Facebook and I don’t follow everyone that follows me on Twitter. Why? Well because I don’t want to. Is that a good enough reason?

Ok, that's not really the reason because it if was...then yes, I would deserve the title Social Networking Snob. But I do have valid reasons to decline Facebook friend requests or not follow those who follow me on Twitter. When it comes to Facebook, I tend to only accept friend requests from people I actually know. I operate that way because it's not very wise to document every minute of your life and openly share your cell phone number and other personal data with every person who happens to stumble across your Facebook page on the Internet. You need to be selective with the people you let into your world, especially your virtual world where every word and every photo tends to linger on for all of time. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a bad Facebooker. I just don’t keep up with it. And because of that, I currently have over 100 friend requests waiting for me to accept or decline, as well as roughly 10 e-mails sitting in my account that I have not read or replied to in over 3 months! Shame on me.

Now when it comes to Twitter, I get a bit anal with organization and simplicity. Some may say it’s a touch of O.C.D., but I like to believe I just like things neat. On every Twitter user’s page, there are 36 icons displayed that correspond to 36 of the people they follow. Follow more than 36 people and Twitter decides on its own whose face will receive front page recognition and whose face will get tucked away from view. I don’t like that. I like to see everyone on one page, like one big happy family. I like being able to quickly click on their mug and see what they are Tweeting about. Now sure I can click on my feed and see what everyone is Tweeting about that I follow all at once, but that feels a bit overwhelming. Some people get carried away and Tweet 10+ times a day! I have no idea where they find the time to do that or what exactly they have to say that seems so important to Tweet that much, but I simply feel overwhelmed having to sort through all their Tweets in my feed. I only Tweet once a day. That’s enough for me, with the exception of today when I Tweeted twice because I needed to vent about having my man-period. I’m sure you understand and forgive though.

Anyways, what I’m trying to say is that I’m stuck on the magical number of 36. I recently added a 37th person and now I feel all out of sorts. And I’m trying to figure out who was the unlucky person that Twitter automatically decided would not be front page worthy and tucked away from 36 icon view! Ok, I have issues, I get it. Lately two people in particular (don’t make me out you and say your names) have been harassing me about not following them on Twitter. One even asked me what my criteria was in choosing who l follow and what would it take for me to follow them. My reply - "Amazing head." A snob I’m not. A smartass I am.

I would follow both of them, but at this point I choose to be stubborn simply out of spite. I secretly enjoy annoying and frustrating them. It’s kind of (sick) fun to see them on the verge of smacking me. Don’t ask me why they are so adamant about me following them on Twitter. Me thinks they are tired of the one-sided DMs. Ah yes, I hold the power!

When it comes to what blogs I follow/read, it's pretty simple and no special exceptions are made for family or friends. So if you are a family member or a friend, I’m not going to link to you as one my "Noteworthy Blogs" just because we are blood or BFFs. I’m not into following certain blogs just because they are popular either. I have to truly enjoy your writing and be drawn into what you have to say. The same rule applies to girls. Just because you’re some super hot chick, I’m not going to pretend I’m interested in what you have to say (blog about) so you will want to go out with me. Although...come to think about it, that approach may not be that shabby of an idea!

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