Tuesday, September 15, 2009

20SB Featured Blogger...Now With More Awesome!

I’m not sure what the proper etiquette is in the virtual world, but I’m going to treat this acceptance speech/thank you post as if it was the real world and hope that Kanye West doesn’t appear out of nowhere and snatch this keyboard from my hands! I don’t know if you heard the recent news or not, but I’m kind of a big deal. Or at least I’m a kind of a big deal for roughly 30 days. After that, I go back to being a virtual nobody. Just another wannabe writer lost among the millions of other wannabe writers living their dream through a Blogspot address. But for now, I’m going to enjoy my 15 minutes of fame, or rather 30 days. So without further ado, let me share with you the big news...

I’m 20SB Featured Blogger for September 2009!

And if that’s not enough, I now come with more awesome!

Hold your applause and try to control your gasps and screams. Wait, what am I saying? Join me in unleashing the excitement! Let out those cheers! In fact, I’m doing it Ellen-style with the Ga-Ga-Ga-Ga cheer right back at you. Because without you, the 20SB community, I wouldn’t have won this little virtual honor. And for that, I sincerely thank you. I’m grateful for the recognition, the electronic love.

If you don’t know what 20SB.net (20 Something Bloggers) is, it’s basically an online community - a place for all twenty-something bloggers to discover other blogs/bloggers and get discovered themselves. The 20SB Featured Bloggers are nominated and voted upon each month by their peers. 20SB Featured Bloggers represent members who not only write great blogs, but have made their mark on 20SB's community as well. Now I may have made my mark on 20SB, but not always in a good way. If you remember the shaved legs debate from awhile back, you know what I'm talking about. So I'm well aware I’m not loved by all. I am often too brutally honest for some people’s tastes and at times not everyone gets my sense of humor. But that’s ok. We can’t please everyone in life. One thing I have learned through my 20s is that it’s better to be who you are and run the risk of some people not liking you, rather than be someone you aren’t and be guaranteed not to like yourself.

20SB has quadrupled in size since I joined just over a year ago. Back then, we had roughly 2,000 members. Today, there are over 8,000 members! Of course the vast majority are women. 20SB women greatly outweigh 20SB men at a 7:1 ratio. So you can imagine my surprise when I pulled off a Featured Blogger win for the boys! And that’s not an easy task considering the fact that the majority of 20SB blogs cater to women who enjoy writing/reading about this Fall’s fashion picks, feminism and an insatiable love for cupcakes (that one I still can’t figure out). So for a boy who often blogs about tech gadgets and his puppy (who had this smartass comment to say), I scratch my head and wonder why I was selected? And then I remember the period post. Yes, I blogged about periods. That probably won them over, huh?

Again, I just wanted to say thanks for all of those that voted for me. For those that didn’t, you’ll learn to love me. I grow on people like mold! And last but not least, can I just say fuck you Kanye. It’s like you stepped on a kitten and punched a retarded kid in the face all-in-one swoop! I’m happy you didn’t take a single VMA home Sunday night. And just for the record, you’ll never take home a 20SB Featured Blogger win either! So suck on that, you stupid dick.

Thank God for Beyonce. The woman truly saved the day! A total class act that graciously gave up her time in the spotlight to let young, Taylor Swift reclaim her 15 minutes of fame that Kanye West so ignorantly stole away. Beyonce is not only beautiful on the outside, we now see she’s beautiful on the inside as well. So hold on tight to her Jay-Z because I think I speak for all men when I say...if you let her slip away, I can guarantee someone will sweep her up faster than you can say H to the Izzo. Your bizzo will be gone! And Kanye, please go rewire your mouth shut. I liked you better through the wire.

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