Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson, Our Generation’s Elvis

Growing up, I can still recall seeing the Michael Jackson poster on my oldest sister’s bedroom door. It was larger than life, just like him. A full length poster that not only met, but matched, her dusty pink carpet floor. He was clad in a brown leather jacket with that 80s-style soft lighting surrounding him in a heavenly glow. Soulful brown eyes and a set of pearly white teeth to set it off. He parted his lips to form his trademark smile, both shy and sweet. To my sister, he was dreamy. To me, he was a cool dude! I can still recall her Levi's jean jacket covered in "Beat It" and "Thriller" buttons. I can even recall getting a look-a-like Thriller jacket in red pleather one year for Christmas, along with a two-tone colored Nerf football. I put that jacket on and performed my best Heisman trophy pose. I still have the photo of it, which naturally is one my family enjoys ridiculing the most. I believe that was the same year I had to sit thru the dance recital that both my sisters were in. Their jazz performance guessed, Thriller. I would later dress up as Michael Jackson for Halloween, complete with shiny glove. So many memories. So many songs. Like many my age, Michael Jackson was a part of our childhood. He helped define what part of being an 80s kid was. And without him, I don't think my childhood would have been the same.

We didn’t have MTV at our house, so when we ventured to Grandma’s for a visit, my sisters and I would swarm the TV hoping to catch a Michael Jackson video. And his videos weren’t just music videos, they were like mini-movies! No one has ever been able to duplicate his style. The man was truly one of a kind and so incredibly talented! Older folks may argue that he’s no Elvis Presley, but to the younger generation, he was far bigger. In fact, he was the biggest selling artist ever in music history! That’s right, "The King of Pop" Michael Jackson outsold "The King" Elvis Presley! And even though Elvis will forever be known as putting Rock & Roll on the map, Michael Jackson will be forever known as reinventing it and giving the world what has become known as Pop Rock.

The thing about Michael Jackson and his music that I think a lot of people missed or took for granted is that he was sooo ahead of the times. For example, the song "Man In The Mirror". Michael Jackson was preaching for people to make a change 20 years before Barack Obama ever made it his Presidential campaign slogan! Michael Jackson knew back then that if change in the world was to be made, that he had to start with "the man in the mirror" - himself. Of course it wasn’t until Obama took the stage two decades later proclaiming change needed to be made in America that people all decided to chant the word and jump on the bandwagon. But because Michael Jackson was a musician and not a politian, his message didn’t seem to hit home hard enough.

Another thing about Michael Jackson is even if you look back and say that guy grabbed his crotch too much when he danced, he had entirely too much plastic surgery to the point where his nose was nearly falling off, or even those that bring up the pedophile allegations which he was found NOT guilty of...people still can’t deny his God-given talents! The man could dance circles around anyone, not to mention blow the roof off of any sold out venue. His lyrics were always powerful and well written. They touched on every aspect of the human condition, all while doing it in a "cool" way, never overly emotional or cliché.

So I’m sure you already heard the sad and shocking news, "The King of Pop" Michael Jackson has passed away. Honestly, celebrity deaths never bother me, but this one did. I think the reason is because he helped shape my childhood. Michael Jackson's name was ingrained into what I listened to, how I dressed and even who I admired. I used to moonwalk across my Mom's kitchen floor! I have to admit, I'm still having a hard time believing he's gone. Just last week I called up my sister when I had learned he was making a comeback tour. He hadn’t performed in my hometown for 20 years! So my sister and I made a pact that if he ever came back, we would get tickets, no matter what the cost. These days, whether people see attending a Michael Jackson concert as queer or not, it’s the one concert you must see in your lifetime! Just think of what an incredible performance he must put on. Of course, that concert is never going to take place now. I was far too young to see him back in the 80s and as of yesterday, it’s now too late to ever see him.

The great thing about music is that even when the artist dies, his work lives on. Be prepared to hear Michael Jackson’s music being pumped in every club, out of every car window and on every street corner for years to come. The man may have died, but his music never will.

Thanks for being a part of my childhood, Michael. You will be greatly missed.

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