Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Readers often ask me the same questions. So I thought it would be a good idea to compose a short FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section here on my blog. Below you will find the answers to the Top 10 questions I am asked the most in relation to blogging and of a personal nature as well. If there is anything I've left out that you would like to know, feel free to ask!

1. You have such a writing talent! Do you really not consider yourself a writer?
When someone tells me they enjoy my writing or that I've inspired them to write, it's by far the best compliment I could ever receive. However, I don't consider myself a writer because I do not get paid to write, or blog for that matter. And I know that on my blog I state..."I am not a writer. You will never see my name embossed on a fine leather book. The dream of being published does not exist for me..." I wrote that a few years ago, but today, I very much dream of being published. I would love nothing more than to become a freelance writer! In fact, I'm jealous of those who write for a living. Being a Network Security Consultant may be my day job, but I daydream about being a writer. I realize I would make far more money by continuing to run my current company and that being a writer may never make me rich, but I believe it will make me happy. Therefore I am quietly pursuing this career. So if anyone out there is interested in offering me a paid writing gig, even just a side job, drop me a line at

2. What does your alias "DIAMONDKT" mean?
DIAMONDKT doesn't really mean anything. It's just a screen name I had well over a decade ago when I first got online and had used AOL. The day I was trying to sign up, every variation of my name was taken. So since I had bought a new mountain bike that day, brand Diamondback, I tried using that as my screen name. That too was taken, so I went with something close to it - DIAMONDKT. It just sort of stuck as my online identity that people recognized me by, so I never bothered changing it. But you can just call me plain old David. Or Hey Dude, I answer to that too.

3. Do you have a girlfriend?
Currently, no. I don't have a serious girlfriend, nor am I actively looking for one. If the right girl comes along, sure I'll commit. Although I'm in no rush to marry. So for now, I am dating, but I choose to let nature take it's course. I'm young and have plenty of time before I say, "I do." Until then, if you're a hot girl, feel free to stuff my inbox full of your nudy pics! And don't forget to send along your homemade lesbian porn and panty pillow fight videos too!

4. Did you name your blog after that Natasha Bedingfield song?
No, I did not title my blog after Natasha Bedingfield's "Unwritten". This is a very common misconception. The reason I titled my blog "The Rest Is Still Unwritten" is because this is an ongoing diary/journal/notebook for me. Like my writing, I too feel like I am a constant work in progress. So just like everything I write, I never feel it's complete. So really, the rest is still unwritten. As you see, the title is very fitting. (My blog was originally titled "Blog for DIAMONDKT" and then "Tech News and Random Ramblings" before I settled on the current title.)

5. What is the font used in your blog header/masthead?
It's called Scriptina and it's not very common. That's one reason why I like it so much.

6. I love your blog’s layout! Can you do mine?
Thank you and no. Let me rephrase...I don't mind helping people with their blog layouts, but I simply don't have the time to completely overhaul other people's blogs. I have designed several other websites before, but those were rare exceptions and they were for friends and family. As far as my layout goes, I try to implement a new design every year. So this is about the 3rd or 4th design I've had since I began blogging in 2005. This template was actually put together by a German designer for WordPress. So not only did the code need to be translated into English, but it needed to be converted to use with Blogger as well. After that, I added a custom header and did a lot of other tweaking to get it to where it is today.

7. Who is your favorite writer and what is your favorite blog?
My favorite writer would be my Grandmother. Her words flow effortlessly and her penmanship is perfect. Receiving a handwritten letter from her is like holding art in my hands. When it comes to my favorite blog, it's difficult to choose just one because I love a few. Although if I had to choose, I would say PostSecret is my favorite blog because the thought behind it is so original and simple. And at the same time, so powerful and beautiful. Other favorite reads come from two talented writers who are also friends of mine, Marissa Kristal from "The Shared Journey" and Jen Kusack from "The Dating Jungle".

8. How did you get your blogging start?
I signed up for a Blogger account back in 2002 when it was still fairly new. I did so mostly out of curiosity, to see exactly what this "blogging" craze was that I kept hearing so much about! My Blogger account lay dormant for about 3 years until January 1, 2005 when I decided to give it life by publishing my first post. I really didn't think I would stick to blogging. I thought it would be a fad of mine that would quickly fade. Then to much of my surprise, I found I had LOTS to say! And so I began posting on a DAILY basis. I would publish something new every single day (usually tech related news) for the first year, until I realized it should be quality and not quantity. Then I wrote only when I felt inspired to do so. And I wrote less like a news reporter and more like someone who was sharing his private diary. I started mixing in more personal posts and quickly learned that people were drawn to that inner rawness, they could relate to me, and I to them. That is when my blog began to really take off.

9. Your posts are very unique. How do you come up with your topics?
My post topics come from pretty much anything and everything, whatever inspires me to write that day. They may evolve from a conversation with a friend, an interesting article I read online, a past experience, a present dilemma, or just a mere thought that I've been mulling over in my mind. And that writing inspiration usually hits me at a weird time - like when I'm walking my dog, in the shower, or when I lay in bed at night. So it's good to keep pen and paper close by.

10. You're sooo cute! Why aren't there more photos of you online?
Long story short, due to several bad experiences in the past, I have major trust issues (mostly with girls) and heavily guard what information I make public online as well as offline. I was once involved with a girl who took a shirtless photo of me and decided to post a fake Craigslist ad with it, implying I was looking for gay sex. Needless to say, I make sure very few photos and other personal details about me are shared online. With that said, there are a handful of photos of me scattered throughout my blog. There are also some photos of me on my Facebook page, but those are only accessible to friends I fully trust. Live and learn I suppose.

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