Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Discovering My Worth In Written Words

It’s not always what you say, but how you say it. Or in this’s not always what you write, but how you write it. People always ask how to draw more readers to their blog and my reply is always the same - content is key! And while interesting and diverse content may be important to catching a new reader’s attention, there is also another fundamental element needed - well written words. They say a good writer can take any topic, even the most mundane topic, and hold a reader's attention if it's written well. So I’m ready to put that theory to the test! I want to discover my worth in written words. A girl once told me, "I actually think well written thoughts are incredibly sexy." I took it as a huge compliment. However, she may want to rethink her position before penetrating the unorchestrated thoughts that dance thru my mind on a daily basis. The very same thoughts that then become word vomit on my blog for all the world to see. Although in some ways, I guess it’s better than being verbally constipated.

Poo, poop, do-do, dung, crap, shit. Call it what you like, but we all know what I’m referring to - feces. That’s right. I am posting about poop, dog poop in particular. Why you ask? Because I want to test myself. I want to see if I really am a good writer. If I can take the most mundane topic (dog poop) and not only make it sounds tantalizing and thrilling, but leave you wanting to read more as well. If I can do that, then I succeeded! Actually, to be perfectly honest, I’ll settle for just keeping your attention from beginning to end. So will I be able to do it? Will I be able to captivate you with my words alone? Will I be able to keep you engrossed in my gross subject matter? Or will I just be spewing mindless dribble, AKA a bunch of crap? (Pun intended.) Think of this as Poetic Poo. Now let’s begin!

When one thinks of dog poo they think of small, smelly, chocolate chunk nuggets you sidestep and curse while walking from point A to point B. And while our furry, four-legged friends may defecate on every street corner known to man, it’s man that is held responsible for cleaning up the mess after his beloved pup takes a massive dump on Wilshire Blvd. It’s a "crappy" job and nobody wants to do it, but there is something very humbling about the whole poop scooping experience. Bag over hand, bending over, picking up a warm turd in the pouring rain. It puts life into perspective. And these days, I think we all could benefit from a little humbling. It’s probably why TMZ takes great delight in photographing numerous celebrities retrieving the care packages their little Fido has left behind. Because as unpoetic as it sounds, dog shit is something we can all relate to.

Over the past short 2 years since I’ve had him, my dog has taught me many things, including it’s not shameful to feel shame. Everyone should be taken down a peg in life. It’s odd to say, but when my dog drops a twosie and I scoop it up in my plastic baggy, I feel proud. Because a wise man, Benjamin Franklin, once said..."A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle." To that I say, I will not be contained to the small bundle of shit in which I hold.

It's a deep thought, I know. So let it sink in for a minute. Mull it over. Ponder it a bit. And get back to me.

(So how did I do? Was my long awaited and greatly anticipated dog poop post everything you thought it would be and more? If it wasn’t, I can handle the criticism. Although, if you tell me my writing is shitty or crappy, I may just thank you. Afterall, I did write about poo.)

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